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Fancier/foster permit back on city council agenda

If you call in to a city council meeting for public comment twice in one meeting, you officially qualify as a gadfly. (noun: 1) a fly that bites livestock, especially a horsefly, warble fly, or botfly. 2) an annoying person, especially one who provokes others into action by criticism.) Fred Voltz, already quoted in these pages for comments on other issues, also addressed the issue of pet breeding, likening the practice to prostitution or the dealing of narcotics.

That was the most excitement that the ongoing issue in Boulder City elicited this week, but that is likely to change in the near future.

Although it appears that the issue of allowing pet breeding will not be back on the agenda in the near-term, the issue of permits for foster/fancier made a quick appearance and will be back in less abbreviated form on June 25.

Originally discussed by the council as intertwined issues, the foster/fancier permit and the breeder permit issues have been separated.

Per City Attorney Brittany Walker, city staff is still working on changes to the city code and plans to bring the breeder’s permit issue back at a later date.

“The breeder’s permit bill needs more work and is a more complex issue. Additionally, putting the issues together caused confusion,” Walker said in an email.

“The fancier/foster permit is a much simpler change,” she added. “So, it made sense to move forward with that first, especially since many residents currently have more than the limit of animals and should have a path to compliance with the code. This change will bring Boulder City in line with all of the other jurisdictions in Southern Nevada with similar permits.”

Since first being brought up last year by a resident who expressed interest in breeding dogs but noted that they had not been able to get a business license for doing so, the issue of breeding has inspired passionate debate both from those advocating for property rights and those —probably more numerous and definitely louder —voices citing the deluge of abandoned animals in and around Boulder City.

It is not a simple issue and the truth is that BC is not in compliance with state law.

In 2011, the Nevada State Legislature passed, and then-governor Brian Sandoval signed into law, a requirement for municipalities to regulate pet breeding. While the practice is not technically illegal in BC, there is no mechanism for issuing a permit.

The title of a proposed resolution to allow for a fancier/foster permit (which would allow those with a permit to keep more than the currently allowed three animals in their household) was read into the record on Monday evening. The issue is set to be discussed by council and voted on in the June 25 meeting.

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