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Dog park nears completion at Veterans’ Memorial

If all goes as planned, within the next two weeks, residents and visitors will have a new location for Bo, Logan, Luna and Buddy to play and interact with their four-legged friends.

A new city-run dog park, sitting on just under an acre, will be located at the Veterans’ Memorial Park. The grassy park will be sectioned off based on the size of the dog.

(The print version of this story reported that the park would include an agility course. After publication, the Boulder City Review received a clarification from city staff saying that, due to inflation-driven cost increases, plans for agility pieces are on hold.)

Parks and Recreation Manager Julie Calloway said the new dog park is coming along well.

“We had some delays with materials at the onset due to ongoing supply chain issues, but everything is moving along well,” she said.

As to a completion date, she said they are hopeful that will take place in mid-June.

“Rather than a ribbon-cutting ceremony” we plan to hold a leash-cutting ceremony,” Parks and Recreation Director Roger Hall said. “We hope some city leaders, staff, including our Animal Control personnel, and four-legged friends will attend. Details will be released in the next week or two.”

It may come as a surprise to some in the community that the current dog park is not run by the city, even though it’s located at Veterans’ Park. That is run by See Spot Run, a non-profit organization.

Last year, the city put out a survey in which 77% of the respondents had a dog, with 64% saying they do not use the current dog park, which does not offer grass. Of those who responded, the top priority of the new park, at 60%, was grass, followed closely by cleanliness/maintenance and shaded areas. And, just over 68% were in favor of an off-leash fenced park.

City Council listened and on Oct. 25 of last year voted to approve the construction of the park.

“The goal of City Council and staff is to satisfy the need for pets to get exercise, safely, without disrupting ongoing activities and understanding limitations due to the historic drought,” City Manager Taylour Tedder said. “The city is moving forward with mandated turf reductions of non-functional turf throughout city properties to save water; planting new grass was not an option. Last year, Council approved more than $70,000 in funding from the American Rescue Act Plan to be used toward the park, which we believe will benefit our residents and visitors along with their four-legged family members.”

As to the importance of having an asset like the new park, Calloway added, “People from outside of Boulder City already use Veterans’ Park as a destination for recreation because of the grassy areas and natural scenery. We are excited to offer this location for humans and dogs to enjoy.”

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