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News Briefs, March 28

Rabbit killer sentenced

The Henderson Justice Court sentenced a former Boulder City resident to six months in the Clark County Detention Center with credit for 31 days served for charges relating to mutilation and killing of cottontail rabbits.

Devon Yslas was arrested in Boulder City on Sept. 7, 2017, after evidence connecting him to the mutilation of cottontail rabbits was found.

Judge Victor Miller sentenced him to six months of suspended jail time each for two charges of animal cruelty as well as one count of wanton waste of game, one count of unlawful manner of hunting with aid of artificial light and one count of hunting without a license or permit. A charge of hunting out of season was amended to the waste of game charge.

Miller said he imposed the extra time because Yslas was facing the charges in Henderson as well as not being open and honest with a psychotherapist and the house arrest office.

The charges in Henderson were possessing wildlife after the end of open season; wanton waste of game; unlawful wildlife act; and hunting, trapping or fishing without a license or permit. According to court records, at a hearing March 21, the first, third and fourth charges were dropped. The second charge was amended to unlawful waste of game, and Yslas pleaded guilty to it before trial.

The charges were filed in Henderson after new evidence was discovered while he was on house arrest.

His new sentence will run concurrent with his sentences in Boulder City, and the result closes his case in Henderson.

Work slated along U.S. 93, I-11

A portion of northbound U.S. Highway 93 will be reduced to one lane Saturday and Sunday, March 30 and 31, as the Nevada Department of Transportation makes pavement repairs.

The lane closure will take place on U.S. 93 at the state Route 173 interchange between 9 p.m. Saturday and 3 a.m. Sunday.

According to Tony Illia, spokesman for NDOT, state Route 173 begins at an interchange with Interstate 11/U.S. 93/U.S. Highway 95 approximately 5 miles southwest of downtown Boulder City. It proceeds northward and then ends at the interchange with U.S. Highway 93 Business.

Also scheduled are pavement repairs along southbound Interstate 11 between Wagonwheel and Paradise Hills drives in Henderson. Work will be done between midnight and 5 a.m. Sunday, March 31. NDOT will close the right lane to make repairs.

For the latest state highway conditions, visit http://nvroads.com.

Equine quarantine lifted

The Nevada Department of Agriculture lifted its first quarantine on horses Monday and intends to lift the other two quarantines later this week as long as no additional positive cases of equine herpes virus – type 1 are reported.

“I owe a sincere thanks to the equine community for keeping their horses at home and helping to prevent the spread of this disease,” said Dr. JJ Goicoechea, the state veterinarian.

“Horse event season just got underway in Southern Nevada and starts soon in Northern Nevada, and I appreciate everything horse owners did to keep the EHV-1 from spreading.”

Goicoechea recommends that horse owners continue to monitor their animals’ health and check for signs of disease, like fever or runny nose.

Smooth transition to cell pouches

It’s been nearly a month since the Clark County School District-imposed use of cell phone pouches was implemented and so far, in in Boulder City at least, things have gone smoothly.

Is it OK for me to build an addition onto my house?

Over the past week, city staff has been touting (via social media) new exterior design guidelines for properties in the Historic District. The guidelines were adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission back in May of this year.

Fire destroys transformer

Last Thursday night, a large plume of smoke could easily be seen, not only in Boulder City, but Henderson residents reported seeing it as well.

Council votes unanimously to remove fence

Getting a permit for something like a fence in your front yard may seem like a contrivance. Intrusive government and all that. But, here’s the deal, deciding to bypass that step may end up meaning you have to tear that fence out at your own expense.

Abused puppy on the mend

The felony animal cruelty investigation by the Boulder City Police Department continues regarding a 10-week-old puppy that was brutally beaten and maimed earlier this month.

Poll: Public strongly backs tougher leash law

When the Review decided to put a question about leash laws on social media and to solicit comments, the level of response was a bit overwhelming. The question elicited nearly 100 comments and the ratio was more than 10-1 in favor of enacting a stricter leash law.

City Council defies SNWA

In what came as a bit of a surprise to some observers, the city council voted unanimously this week to move forward with a turf reduction program at the Municipal Golf Course that will see the facility use about 20% more water than allowed under their own ordinance passed in 2022.

Utilities director outlines state of compliance

In scheduling that some might call ironic, immediately after approving a plan that would see the Municipal Golf Course continue to use 20% more water than allowed by law, the city council heard a presentation from Utilities Director Joseph Stubitz in which he outlined just how serious the drought is and how the city is working to comply with state law by removing turf from city parks and from areas surrounding city buildings.

Richardson puts police skills to good use

It may sound like a riddle, but Pat Richardson is not a police officer yet he works for the department. He doesn’t seek out illegal activities, but he can issues citations.