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Community Briefs

Canned food drive to help Emergency Aid

Boulder City High School’s student council and other students will be collecting food from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday for their annual canned food drive to benefit Emergency Aid of Boulder City.

“The drive is to benefit needy families on our community so we hope that people will respond when we knock,” said Amy Murphy, a student council member.

The drive was originally scheduled for Nov. 1 but had to be rescheduled.

Democratic Club to hear about social justice issues

The Boulder City Democratic Club monthly meeting will be tonight at 6:30 at the Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd. Astrid Silva and Laura Martin from Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada will speak about social justice issues, including immigration reform. All are invited to attend.

For more information, call 702-530-6604 or bouldercitydemocraticclub@gmail.com.

Class to fight fraud offered

The Better Business Bureau will present Fighting Fraud 101 at 11 a.m. Monday at the Senior Center of Boulder City. Everyone in Boulder City is encouraged to come learn how to become a fraud fighter.

This is a free program. The Senior Center is at 813 Arizona St. Call 702-293-3320 for information.

Walking group meets at Veterans Park

Boulder City United Methodist Fellowship has a walking group that meets at 8 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Veterans Memorial Park. Group members walk 30 minutes before they begin their day. Everyone is invited to improve their health and make new friends. They meet at the duck pond next to Pratte Field. For more information, contact the Rev. Sandy Johnson at 702-293-9240 or email sandy_L_johnson@hotmail.com.

Organizations team up to host Thanksgiving party

The Nevada Community Prevention Coalition, St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church and the Boulder City Christian Youth Team plan to host a Thanksgiving party from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Friday at St. Christopher’s, 812 Arizona St.

This party takes the place of the regularly scheduled coalition meeting for November. The event is free and open to Boulder City residents of all ages. There will be food and music. Call 702-347-9924 for reservations.

Lend a Hand plans volunteer training session

Lend a Hand will have a volunteer training class at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the Lend a Hand office, 400 Utah St.

Lend a Hand helps seniors, disabled and handicapped residents of Boulder City. Volunteers drive them to appointments across the Las Vegas Valley and provide help, respite and companionship for them to help them remain in their homes.

Call 702-294-2363 for information.

Red Mountain Choir sets concert for Nov. 22-23

The Red Mountain Choir concert “Shall We Dance?” will have you dancing in the aisles. Performances are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Nov. 22-23 at the Elaine K. Smith Center, 700 Wyoming St. Tickets are $10 for adults and can be purchased at the Boulder City Chamber or at the door. Children and students ages 5-18 are free. Call Rose at 702-293-5455 for more information.

Republican Women to meet Nov. 21

Boulder City Republican Women will meet at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 21 in the conference room at Railroad Pass Hotel, 2800 S. Boulder Highway, Henderson. The public is invited to hear Alan Stock, a talk show host on KDWN Newstalk 720.

Stock has worked in the television and radio industry for 30 years and in Las Vegas since 1999. He is in the Nevada Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame. In addition to his morning show, he hosts a nightly television interview program on KTUD-TV Channel 25 and 14.

Also, Barbara Cegavske who has served in the Nevada Assembly and Senate since 1996, will discuss her political plans.

A silent auction, featuring items valued from $25 to more than $1,000 donated by local merchants and members, will take place. To ensure seating, reservations for the $20 buffet luncheon and program should be made by Friday by calling 393-1228 or email bcgop@yahoo.com.

Emergency Aid needs help

Emergency Aid of Boulder City is seeking donations. The nonprofit organization’s funding is used throughout the year to provide utility and rental assistance to those in need.

For more information or to donate, call 702-300-6187.

Library health care meetings to explain ACA

Boulder City Library and CARE NV will be hosting meetings at the library to assist residents with understanding and signing up for health care under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

The meetings will be Dec. 6, Jan. 3, Feb. 14 and March 14. The visits are scheduled by appointment; call 702-836-9033 to make an appointment.

Local churches join for weekday worship

Boulder City United Methodist Church and St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church have begun a weekly Wednesday night worship called WOW or “Worship on Wednesday.” The 6:45 p.m. worship service is at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 812 Arizona St., and is a combination of contemporary praise music, prayer and a short reflection. The Revs. Sandy Johnson and Jim Lyons will lead the service.

The service is casual and all are welcome. For more information, call Johnson at 702-293-7240 or visit www.bouldercityumc.org; or Lyons at 702-293-4275 or www.stchristopherschurch.org.

Retired Public Employees to meet Nov. 21

The Boulder City Chapter of the Retired Public Employees of Nevada will meet at 11 a.m. Nov. 21 at The Homestead of Boulder City, 1401 Medical Park Dr. Guest speaker will be Phyllis Bachhuber with Lend a Hand of Boulder City.

Each month the group has lunch at a local restaurant after the meeting.

For further information, contact President Bernard Paolini at bernardpaolini@cox.net.

Boulder City Museum program on tap Nov. 21

The Boulder City Museum and Historical Association will present its monthly lecture at 6 p.m. Nov. 21 at the museum, 1305 Arizona St. “Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Lions: A Study of Interaction Between Populations” with Dave Choate, research biologist with Desert National Wildlife Refuge, will be presented in the Segerblom Theater.

Call 702-294-1988 or visit http://www.bcmha.org/ with any questions.

Emergency Aid sponsors Christmas Angels

Emergency Aid of Boulder City will open its Christmas Angel Program Nov. 25 at the Boulder Dam Credit Union for a three-week run. The program is for low-income families and seniors, and children at St. Jude’s Ranch.

Boulder City residents have provided 400 to 500 gifts each year.

Those who are eligible should contact the Emergency Aid office at 600 Nevada Way, or call 702-293-0797. The office is open from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday.

Volunteers will administer the Christmas Angel Program during the credit union’s hours of 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday through Dec. 11. To volunteer call the office. Gifts will be distributed at the credit union Dec. 14.

Community Club to meet for lunch

The Boulder City Community Club will hold its monthly meeting at 12:30 p.m. Nov. 21 at the multiuse building on Avenue B and School Drive. The club provides sandwiches, and those attending are asked to bring a salad or dessert.

A representative from Safe Nest will be the guest speaker.

For reservations, call Beverly Parry after 1 p.m. at 702-293-7623.

City offers children’s performing arts class

The Boulder City Parks and Recreation Department is offering a children’s performing arts class, Rising Stars, at the multiuse building. The class is held Tuesdays, with sessions running until Dec. 17.

Children will learn singing, dancing and performing skills. Participants will showcase their talents at the Holiday Magic Show Dec. 19. Children ages 4 through kindergarten will meet from 2-2:30 p.m.; the class fee is $35. Children in first grade and higher will meet from 3-4 p.m.; the class fee is $70.

Additionally, there will be a $15 uniform fee for the eight-week session. Instructors are Lisa Morris and Kara Larsen. For more information, contact the department at 702-293-9256.

Association of University Women BC branch to meet

The Boulder City Branch of American Association of University Women meets the third Monday of each month in the Boulder Dam Hotel, 1305 Arizona St.

Meetings are open to the public and held in the Gene Segerblom Meeting Room in the Boulder Dam Museum and Historical Society.

Boulder City Library schedules events

Boulder City Library, 701 Adams St., has a variety of events and activities scheduled for the month of November. These include:

n Preschool story time for children ages 3-15 from 10-10:30 a.m. Wednesday and Nov. 27 in the board room.

n Toddler story time for children younger than 36 months from 10:30-11 a.m. Wednesday and Nov. 27 in the board room.

n Lego challenge for children 6 and older from 4-5 p.m. Nov. 21 in the community room. Legos will be provided.

n Family story time with science, crafts, games, Legos and stories for all ages from 6-7 p.m. Nov. 24 in the community room.

n The Teen Book Club for those 13 and older will meet in the youth department at 2 p.m. Nov. 24; call 702-293-1281 for details.

Annual Santa Train slated

The Nevada State Railroad Museum is selling tickets for its 12th annual Santa Train, which is set for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 7 and 8, Dec. 14 and 15 and Dec. 21 and 22. Tickets are $5 per person.

For more details, call 702-486-5006. The museum is at 600 Yucca St.

Smooth transition to cell pouches

It’s been nearly a month since the Clark County School District-imposed use of cell phone pouches was implemented and so far, in in Boulder City at least, things have gone smoothly.

Is it OK for me to build an addition onto my house?

Over the past week, city staff has been touting (via social media) new exterior design guidelines for properties in the Historic District. The guidelines were adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission back in May of this year.

Fire destroys transformer

Last Thursday night, a large plume of smoke could easily be seen, not only in Boulder City, but Henderson residents reported seeing it as well.

Council votes unanimously to remove fence

Getting a permit for something like a fence in your front yard may seem like a contrivance. Intrusive government and all that. But, here’s the deal, deciding to bypass that step may end up meaning you have to tear that fence out at your own expense.

Abused puppy on the mend

The felony animal cruelty investigation by the Boulder City Police Department continues regarding a 10-week-old puppy that was brutally beaten and maimed earlier this month.

Poll: Public strongly backs tougher leash law

When the Review decided to put a question about leash laws on social media and to solicit comments, the level of response was a bit overwhelming. The question elicited nearly 100 comments and the ratio was more than 10-1 in favor of enacting a stricter leash law.

City Council defies SNWA

In what came as a bit of a surprise to some observers, the city council voted unanimously this week to move forward with a turf reduction program at the Municipal Golf Course that will see the facility use about 20% more water than allowed under their own ordinance passed in 2022.

Utilities director outlines state of compliance

In scheduling that some might call ironic, immediately after approving a plan that would see the Municipal Golf Course continue to use 20% more water than allowed by law, the city council heard a presentation from Utilities Director Joseph Stubitz in which he outlined just how serious the drought is and how the city is working to comply with state law by removing turf from city parks and from areas surrounding city buildings.

Richardson puts police skills to good use

It may sound like a riddle, but Pat Richardson is not a police officer yet he works for the department. He doesn’t seek out illegal activities, but he can issues citations.