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Mojave Desert home to Joshua trees

To outsiders, the Joshua tree might look nightmarish and threatening, with its daggerlike spines and odd, sometimes grotesque growth habit. But to most Mojave Desert dwellers it is strikingly beautiful. In the morning light, or under a full moon, the Joshua tree’s silhouette is the definition of drama. And because they grow almost nowhere else, to see one is to know we are home.

Pouch named top rookie at Virginia Tech

AJ Pouch, a 2019 graduate of Boulder City High School and swimming star, is making a splash on the collegiate level after being named the rookie of the year at Virginia Tech University.

Eagles take the ‘Cup’

Boulder City High School has been named the One Nevada Cup winner for the 3A classification, recognizing its all-around excellence as a program.

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If you feed them, they will ‘hum’

Now is the time of year you’ll probably be seeing and hearing more hummingbirds around Southern Nevada. If you want to attract them to your yard or patio — and who doesn’t — think about putting up a hummingbird feeder. While this is an easy task, it does come with a commitment of changing the nectar and cleaning the feeder.