BCHS… Go! Fight! Win!

Ron Eland/Boulder City Review

Short-term rentals in BC? Still Illegal

Council declines to change city code to accommodate vacation rentals

Pool funding plans move forward

The road toward funding a new municipal pool in Boulder City has been somewhat tortuous.

The art of cruising in Boulder City

Just about everybody remembers their first car. It was that first real sense of independence while feeling like something between still wanting to watch the occasional Saturday morning cartoon and being an adult.

Confessions of a former small-city mayor

I moved to Boulder City with my family in 1981, 20 years after the city became incorporated. Boulder City had about 8,000 people at the time while Clark County had less than half a million people. Do 8,000 citizens constitute a small city? I don’t know.

Park service relies upon its volunteers

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, volunteers donate more than 4.1 billion hours annually, contributing $122.9 billion each year to the U.S. economy.

Tennis teams continue to dominate

Setting themselves apart as contenders in the 3A classification, both Boulder City High School tennis programs routed rival Virgin Valley on Sept. 20.

Eagles lose homecoming to rivals Moapa Valley, 42-9

Despite falling to rival Moapa Valley 42-9 on Sept. 22, Boulder City High School football coach Bubba Mariani sees hope behind the loss.

Showing their Eagle pride

Last week, Boulder City High School celebrated its annual homecoming week with festivities during the week at the school and ending Friday with the homecoming game and the next night with the dance.

September 2023
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