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Finding, sharing your passion is priceless

If you ask me if I enjoy my life, I would say, without hesitation, I do. I take great pleasure in living in Boulder City, even though I miss some dear friends and family, my favorite restaurants and the cultural amenities I enjoyed in my birthplace, Chicago.

Although I had no shortage of friends and acquaintances in Chicago, those I have come to know during the past 20 years in Boulder City are many, and that’s exactly what I like. I get one heck of a kick out of going anywhere in town and running into any number of people with whom I can strike up a conversation.

Seeing kids I knew as toddlers or met when they were in second grade and now they’re working as grown-ups is an amazing feeling.

Being a part of so many Boulder City organizations keeps me happy and busy. I get a chance to support the arts and seniors and those seeking help in finding resources for their health and wellness. I am able to share my views with anyone who reads the Boulder City Review on the third Thursday of each month.

I truly feel a part of all the churches in this city, even though I am not an official member of any one. I know many of the pastors on a first name basis and always chat with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint missionaries as they walk down the streets of Boulder City.

When I am able to introduce people to each other, I count that as a big win. Who knows what these two are now able to do not only for each other but for the community as a whole?

Making folks laugh is another one of my favorite things. Maybe they were sad or worrying about a problem, and I was able, for a brief moment, to comfort them in my quirky, sometimes sarcastic way.

Bringing young people to the senior center is also on my “favorite things” list. I haven’t brought the cheerleaders to the center in quite some time and I think I have to work on making that happen soon.

My friends are Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Independents and everything in between. I am able to talk about solutions with all of them most of the time.

Having folks call or email me to solve a problem is probably the greatest compliment I can receive. For these folks to think I can help in some way says volumes to me.

I may not always find a solution, but I call upon others to help me make things right. That’s the type of interaction that gives me the energy to take on a number of projects at any given time.

Items I have on my “favorite things” list may not appeal to everyone, but they don’t have to. That’s the beauty of all of us being individuals. We have so many different likes and dislikes. That’s what puts the spark in our lives.

I consider myself fortunate to have found my spark early on in my life. The more the years passed, the more I concentrated on and made myself receptive to what I was perfectly suited to do.

When my retirement came on Dec. 1, 2010, I had a bit of a difficult time with it, not having a schedule, not being the public information officer for Boulder City and not being involved with BCTV. Had I not run for City Council and lost and began writing again for the Boulder City Review, I don’t know what turn my life would have taken.

But all those things happened, and now I am happily working as the Boulder City coordinator for the Nevada Community Prevention Coalition and still writing for the Boulder City Review and spending time volunteering with nonprofit organizations.

I guess if there is one thing I want, it is for everyone to find the spark that makes them happy with their life. The spark can be art or music, sports or bird watching, decorating a room or building a dog house, training animals or running marathons.

Whatever your choice, let people in. Share with them. Do something for them. What comes back is priceless.

Rose Ann Miele is a journalist and was public information officer for Boulder City for nine years. She can be reached at roseannrab@hotmail.com or at 702-347-9924.

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