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Officials address Jewish war veterans

At an installation breakfast of officers of the Jewish War Veterans last month, Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., told members that she sits on the House Veterans Affairs Committee “and I requested that committee because in District 1, there are a number of veterans … and I wanted to be in a position where I could fight for those who deserved the best services and the best attention because of all the sacrifices they made for us over the years … and let me tell you that I will always be there as your advocate.”

Racism is alive and well

“… racist thought and action says far more about the person they come from than the person they are directed at.” — Chris Crutcher, family therapist and author of “Whale Talk.”

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Living with houseplants clears the air

Lowly houseplants may take a backseat to their hardy outdoor cousins when it comes to size. However, even a master gardener cannot deny their important place in our lives.

Retired officers assert military readiness begins in pre-K

Two retired military officers recently presided over a conference in Las Vegas to address the fact that although the U.S. boasts a highly skilled and professional force of soldiers, airmen and Marines, there are problems lurking in future recruitment.

Former sheriff reflective, not sweating the small stuff

“Vegas,” the television show based loosely on Ralph Lamb’s life, had just been canceled, but the former Clark County sheriff wasn’t losing any sleep over it.

Need for food deliverers for homebound dire

Picture yourself at home, alone. Because of your failing eyesight, you can’t drive. From time to time, your arthritis is so painful you can’t get out of bed. Your spouse of 57 years has passed away. Your children live in three different states, with the closest being 750 miles away.

Daughter’s courage lifts this father’s spirit every day

She was up early on Father’s Day, trying not to make noise as she pushed her wheelchair into the kitchen. It was a little after 6 a.m., and my daughter Amelia figured I was still asleep.

Finding the source of that tired feeling is a challenge

Members of the senior class are more active than their predecessors, thanks to medical advancements and good health guidelines. However, aging does manifest itself with a slower gait, diminished muscle strength and an energy level that seems to get lower all the time. These are some typical signals that our bodies send out around the time of retirement.

BLM needs to realize roundups not working

I think I’ve finally found something cattle ranchers and horse huggers agree on: The Bureau of Land Management is doing it wrong.

Nevada Disabled American Veterans honor area employers

The Disabled American Veterans is one of the leading veterans service organizations in the state and the nation. Each year the Nevada DAV honors local employers that establish programs that reach out to veterans and seek to hire them for responsible jobs.