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Consider the facts before voting

Kick him when he’s down. Shoot the families. Those people are criminals. Beat the crap out of them. You eat like a pig and you’re fat. I know more than anyone about everything.

Life too short not to do as much as you can

My grandmother introduced me to the card game of Pit. It is based on commodity trading. It is as frenzied a game as the craziness of the commodity floor, with everyone vying to “trade” all at once.

Talk of the town

Fall is a refreshing time. Summer vacations wind down, classes resume, temperatures drop, sports teams take the field, fall festivals grab our attention, and residents increasingly venture out to garden, exercise and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Homelessness decreases among veterans

In my eyes, the U.S. homeless population has seemingly grown during the past few years. I don’t claim to have a scientific poll to back up that statement. I base it on visual impact.

Help for veterans comes in surprising places

There are many major and minor veterans organizations locally and nationally that provide thousands of hours of pro bono service and invest millions of dollars in time and treasure to help veterans and their families. Groups such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the Disabled American Veterans have been collectively helping veterans for hundreds of years.

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Perfection impossible in our imperfect world

We are bombarded with advertisements every moment of every day but just how many do we see and how many do we react to? Research company SJ Insights has estimated that between television and social media the average person sees an average of 360 advertising messages a day.

Tales about Elvis flirt with truth

Lisa Marie Presley and I shared a baby sitter. Yes, my godmother, Alice Mafeo, was also the nanny for Lisa Marie when Elvis Presley would perform at the Las Vegas Hilton. But four years before Lisa Marie would be born, Elvis Presley was here in Boulder City filming “Viva Las Vegas.” This was his second notable trip through Boulder City and to Hoover Dam.

One voice, one vote can make a difference

There’s a serious disorder affecting our country, state and city. Its name is frustration. Folks are paralyzed by it and believe they are powerless to fix anything. People are looking for a quick fix to serious issues and latch on to those who advocate punching the “enemy” in the face, eliminating troublemakers, keeping women “in their place,” blaming the poor for budget deficits and assuring the wealthy they are that way because they deserve to be. An old-fashioned American slug with a very big stick will most certainly do the trick or perhaps just decimate populations we don’t like with bombs. Problem solved.

Volunteers must help themselves, too

One of my many interesting past jobs was as executive director of the Senior Center of Boulder City between 2003 and 2005. This was a rewarding position and I loved working with the seniors. But it was frustrating that much of the daily work was performed by volunteers. Finding willing and able volunteers in a small community was a daily responsibility.

Animals, plants may feel more than we know

The word for today is sentient. Dictionary.com defines sentient as “having the power of perception by the senses; conscious.” Sentience connotes the “capacity for sensation or feeling.”

City explored alternatives to rate hikes

When the City Council adopted utility rate increases in May, a repeated question we heard was: Have you considered other alternatives? The answer is yes, quite a few. And the following are just a few examples.

Area ‘dam’ attractive to filmmakers

Sean Penn. Robert De Niro. Patrick Swayze. Halle Berry. Selma Hayek. These are just a few of the A-list Hollywood names who have been in movies shot either at Lake Mead or at the Hoover Dam.

Aviation Nation returns

Good news for Air Force veterans and aviation fans in general. After abandoning what had become a favorite annual event in Nevada, Nellis Air Force Base will again host Aviation Nation.

Pipeline to information needs clarity

Compared with Europe, the United States is a young country and although we talk about historic districts and national heritage, we are a relatively new nation.

Summer holidays bring a community together

Summer in America begins and ends with holiday weekends dedicated to those who have served our country with courage, honor and hard work.

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