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Letters to the Editor, Dec. 20

Communication with Meaning

While I agree with the premise of Dan Jennings’ comments concerning our ability to discuss items of interest to all with kindness, I also feel that the subject of Donald Trump is a poor example of how to communicate with kindness and meaning. No fewer than 17 criminal investigations have been undertaken to resolve the misdeeds of the Trump administration. You see, Donald Trump has no meaning when he speaks. That is the reality of consciousness that I carry with me and what disturbs me when the sitting president has at least five people found guilty or plead guilty from his administration. Conversations with those supporting Trump at this point in time are irrelevant and carry no meaning.

Watching Donald Trump’s management style should also give us an indication that he does not delegate. Since Trump does not delegate, all decisions made by his administration are subject to his approval. That should cause a number of eyebrows to rise since it also implies that he was aware of all of the things happening during his election and two years in office. Now that we have findings of guilty, we have a culpable president. His former attorney, Michael Cohen, believes he is guilty of felonies.

We could easily lose the rule of law of United States of America and our democracy by ignoring the fact that Trump is culpable in a number of felonies. No one is above the law. I talk with people who sometimes don’t make much sense to me or have a totally different point of view. Let’s not lose sight of the purpose of our government in the midst of deciding whether or not each of us ideologically agrees with Donald Trump. Why do we have a Constitution and a democratic republic? I believe that both have given us a country with economic prosperity and lifestyles that are second to none in the world. That is why I cannot accept Donald Trump as a “political disagreement” regarding Mr. Jennings’ commentary on Dec. 12, 2018.

Eric L Lundgaard

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