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Health care not a one-size-fits-all deal

We have been hearing a great deal lately about the repeal of one health plan and its replacement with another, creating praise and recrimination, depending on which side of the debate you stand. There seems to be a major flaw in both plans, particularly treating health issues as uniform across genders and age groups.

What is not well-known is that medical research, which accompanies the testing and development of new drugs and treatments, has until fairly recently been tested mainly on male subjects. This gender gap was documented in 2015 by The Guardian, which quoted a 2014 study by researchers at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

“The science that informs medicine — including the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease — routinely fails to consider the crucial impact of sex and gender. This happens in the earliest stages of research, when females are excluded from animal and human studies or the sex of the animals isn’t stated in the published results. Once clinical trials begin, researchers frequently do not enroll adequate numbers of women or, when they do, fail to analyze or report data separately by sex. This hampers our ability to identify important differences that could benefit the health of all,” it wrote. (http://bit.ly/2qkgskG)

We may consider ourselves careful health shoppers but what else has slipped by our vigilance? For example, many people, especially seniors, are on the ball about getting routine medical screenings and watching their cholesterol and other numbers. But how many know the actual percentages of how many women develop breast cancer over a lifetime, or what vital functions cholesterol perform in the human body?

Statistics issued in March by Breastcancer.org estimate that about 12 percent of women in the United States, about one in eight, will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime. Conversely, women have an 88 percent chance of never developing breast cancer. I can live with those odds.

Still, the medical profession promotes breast cancer screenings as a vital part of women’s health care. Over the past few years I have been meeting women who have never had a mammogram and are in good health. I do not consider myself a medical Luddite but women need to consider the statistics when evaluating their own health care.

Cholesterol has received a bad rap in recent decades, including the ubiquitous “bad” cholesterol. Cholesterol serves many vital functions in the body. According to Dr. Shabnam Das Kar, a functional and metabolic expert, cholesterol is the precursor for the synthesis of many hormones in the body, is a component of cell membranes and involved in cell function, and is involved with Vitamin D synthesis.

It is well-acknowledged that too much cholesterol in the blood stream contributes to heart attacks and strokes but what percentages are safe? Medical researchers have been lowering the numbers with diet and statins over the years and are now encountering problems, asking how much is too little cholesterol and what problems does this cause?

Overzealous health care, which is dictated only by the numbers, can be just as detrimental as too little health care. It is important for health-care customers, especially women, to educate themselves about the facts involved in providing their health services.

Angela Smith is a Ph.D. life coach, author and educator who has been resident in Nevada since 1992. She can be reached at catalyst78@cox.net.

See David Copperfield but skip the bouillabaisse

Last week I interviewed Seth Grabel, a very talented magician, who now calls Boulder City home. He’s featured in this week’s edition on page 2.

A story of reconciliation amidst division

I keep going into the week when it is time for me to write a column with an idea that I know I want to write about but events keep pushing that idea further out into the future.

Who did more for veterans?

Did President Joe Biden or President Donald Trump do more for America’s veterans? It all depends how one keeps score: Introduce laws? Pass laws? Do large things, or many small things? Important things, or things that were not so important?Below are two examples according to Military.com.

Holy smokes!

Two weeks ago on June 25, I received messages from panicked individuals at the Elks Lodge RV Park stating that the Boulder City Fire Department had been conducting a controlled burn that had gotten out of control.

July is PR Month

For nearly 40 years, the nation has celebrated Park and Recreation Month in July to promote building strong, vibrant, and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation.

July 4 safety and awareness checklist

As we celebrate our great nation’s birthday, let’s run down this safety and awareness checklist so we can have a blast this 4th… but only the good kind.

“Be Kind, Be Boulder” this Fourth of July

Happy Birthday, America! Today, we celebrate an act of autonomy and sovereignty that happened in 1776, nearly 250 years ago: the Founding Fathers signing of the Declaration of Independence established this great nation. (It would be another 155 years before Boulder City’s founders arrived to construct Hoover Dam!)

Ensuring fire safety at Lake Mead

At Lake Mead National Recreation Area, our mission extends beyond preserving the natural beauty and recreational opportunities.

Independence Day in Boulder City

I was elected to the Boulder City council long ago. Believe me, there were more exciting events that occurred during city council meetings in the mid-to-late 1980s than there are at present. We had Skokie Lennon who arrived in the council meetings while standing at the back of the room. When he had something to say he would erupt with the statement “can you hear me?” Of course we could since he was the loudest person in the room. He would say what he had to say and then leave.

Nothing to fear

A June 13 letter by Norma Vally claimed Pride Month in Boulder City is an example of identity politics that will cause divisiveness in our safe, kind, and welcoming town. I cannot disagree more.