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Value of safety measures priceless

Summer is an ideal time to enjoy the great outdoors. And with many people taking vacations during the summer months, they find themselves with more opportunities to enjoy a variety of leisure activities.

But, as with any new undertaking, it’s important to take precautions to ensure your safety as well as the safety of those around you.

Even if you think you can handle the situation, think again.

There have been three deaths in as many weeks at Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

On June 17, men died in two separate swimming incidents, one at Cottonwood Cove at Lake Mohave and the other at Gregg’s Hideout.

The latest incident happened Monday, when a 38-year-old man died at Lake Mohave. A bystander said he was swimming and yelled for help before going under.

It was the seventh possible drowning this year, according to officials at the recreation area.

In all cases, the victims were not wearing a life jacket.

No matter how well you think you can swim, the lakes are big bodies of water and conditions can change rapidly, especially during monsoon season, which is quickly approaching.

Sure, a life jacket may not make the best fashion statement and could leave you with funny tan lines. Yet, that has to beat the alternative of a hospital gown or worse, a casket.

Bikers, whether on human-powered or motorized vehicles, also should take precautions and wear helmets. You never know when a stray rock or slick substance on the trail or road may cause your tires to come out from under you. Or, when the driver of another vehicle doesn’t see you coming.

Hikers, too, need to be careful. Summer temperatures are deadly. No matter how long you plan to be out walking or how strenuous the trail, be sure to stay hydrated. Wear a hat to protect your head and keep your eyes shaded from the sun.

These are such simple things to do. Their value, however, is priceless, and your family and friends will thank you.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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