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Today, we give thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Today is a day to give thanks for what we have. In this crazy world, most of us are fortunate enough to have a safe place to live, plenty of food to eat and family and friends to keep us warm and feeling loved.

For the past few weeks, many of my friends have been participating in a 30 days of thanks challenge. It's a great idea.

However, since I make my living with words, I decided to give myself a different kind of challenge: Find what I am thankful for using the word Thanksgiving.

So, here goes.

T is for turkey. Although I am fond of the fowl and will happily sit down for a scrumptious meal today, it's not the roasted turkey that makes me so thankful. Instead, it's the idea behind a big turkey dinner. Thanksgiving is the time for gathering together with friends and family.

H is for hands. Where would I be without them? It's hard to ponder. I use my hands constantly to type, write and perform hundreds of other tasks. But that is not why I am thankful for hands. It's because hands provide a way to connect with others, whether it's gentle touch on a shoulder of a friend who is in pain or holding the hand of my husband or child to show how much I care that makes me so thankful.

A is for Andy. Without my husband, I would be lost. He is my best friend and confident. My sounding board and support staff. Meeting him has changed my life infinitely for the better.

N is for Nevada. Yes, I am grateful for the chance to live in this great state. It is filled with natural wonders. I can even endure a few months of extreme heat in exchange for opportunities such as getting sunburned while rafting down the Colorado River in the middle of November.

K is for kindness. Just a little bit of it goes a long way. A friendly smile, helping out someone in need or offering to serve as a sounding board are just a few things that we can do to show that we are caring and compassionate. I can't tell you how many times that something as simple as someone saying "Hello" to me or waving from across the street has lifted my spirits.

S is for siblings. Brothers and sisters fight and love, but they have a bond that cannot be broken. I see that in my children and my husband's family. And though I live hundreds of miles away from my sister, and we haven't always been the best of friends, I know that if push came to shove she would have my back.

G is for giggles. Sure, they are silly. But it's impossible to be grumpy or grouchy when giggling. And they are infectious. As they say, laugh and the world laughs with you.

I is for Independence. Having the ability to gather with friends and family exactly how we want to is one of great things about being an American. I am especially grateful for all the sacrifices members of our nation's armed forces made so that we can remain a free and independent country.

V is for variety. Without it, life would be dull and boring. I can't imagine what each day would be like if nothing changed. I prefer to look at life and each day as a series of stories and adventures. You never know what will happen and there's always something special around the corner if you search for it. If something goes wrong, just start a new chapter or Etch A Sketch it — shake things off and start anew.

I is for individuality. Each person is unique and brings his or her strengths and weaknesses to the table. It's what keeps life interesting. I enjoy sharing a special meal with a diverse group, learning about them, their thoughts, hopes, dreams and what they are grateful for.

N is for newspapers. Working for a newspaper has been my life's passion for nearly as long as I can remember. Not only have newspapers enabled me to financially support myself, they have taken me on a variety of adventures and brought me many good friends.

G is for giving. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to give thanks for so many things this year. And more than that, I appreciate that I can give of myself to help make others' lives better.

I hope this Thanksgiving brings you all at least 12 things to be thankful for. Enjoy your day.

— Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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