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Santa’s arrival heralds magical time

I have come to the conclusion that there truly is something magical about Santa’s red suit. It can turn back time.

While the red velvet suit with fluffy white trim can’t actually make you physically younger, it definitely does spiritually. That much was clearly evident throughout the past few days as Santa and Mrs. Claus, often accompanied by Jingle Cat, presided over several celebrations to herald in the holiday season.

As I attended house- and tree-lighting ceremonies, picture parties and a parade, childlike awe and joy was everywhere.

From the tiniest tots to the oldest senior citizens, smiles were present and laughter was heard. Their excitement bubbled over as they eagerly awaited for colorful and bright lights to be turned on at Dale Ryan and Dyanah Musgrave’s home on Fifth Street and on the city’s Christmas tree in Frank Crowe Park.

Then, when Santa and Mrs. Claus appeared and those switches were turned to the on position and Jingle Cat waved its magic wand, the crowds erupted in cheers and applause.

While many attending those ceremonies brought along children and grandchildren, there were also plenty of adults who just relish the joy these events inspire.

They also bring back cherished memories of our own childhoods and the wonder we felt when watching those twinkling lights come on for the first time each December.

When Santa, Mrs. Claus and Jingle Cat stopped by the Doodlebug Bazaar on Saturday morning to pose for photographs, children of all ages welcomed the opportunity to sit on Santa’s lap, whisper in his ear what their Christmas wishes were, and have their picture taken. It didn’t seem to matter chronologically how old they really were, for that moment in time they were young again.

The holiday magic was especially felt during Saturday’s Santa’s Electric Night Parade. As each entry passed by, the enthusiasm of the crowd grew — kind of like the heart of Dr. Seuss’ Grinch when he heard the Whos sing on Christmas morning.

People were lined up two and three deep, at least, all along Nevada Way and Fifth Street to watch the floats, cars, dancers and bands pass by, each decked out in colorful lights. Even the equestrians got into the spirit of things, wearing lights on their saddles, manes and tails.

Sure, you might attribute the larger-than-normal crowd to the wonderfully warm weather, but I would rather give credit to the spirit of the season.

And when parade participants were handing out candy canes and other holiday treats, the child in all of us came out as we extended our hands or showed off our catching skills for a sweet Christmas gift.

That feeling of being young will carry us through the month as we gather with friends and family to celebrate and await Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve.

Then, when he puts away his sleigh and suit for the year, our lives go back to their regular routines. Fortunately, that magic will return next December.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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