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Now is the time to get involved

I’ve heard many variations on the idea that you shouldn’t complain unless you are willing to do something to create a solution.

This is especially true in the political arena. Many times I’ve heard people say if you don’t vote, don’t complain. Or if you don’t like how some politician is doing his/her job, vote him/her out of office.

With the official start to the election season beginning Tuesday, now is the time to take some action.

Boulder City residents will need to elect a new mayor and two council members this year.

Mayor Roger Tobler, who is completing his second four-year term as mayor, is prohibited from running again because of term limits.

Councilwoman Peggy Leavitt is wrapping up her first term on the council and has announced her intention to seek re-election.

Councilman Rod Woodbury, who was elected to his first term in 2011 along with Leavitt, is running for mayor. He has already filed his papers with the city clerk. That automatically vacates his seat on the City Council.

The last time there were open seats on the council, in 2013, Duncan McCoy and Cam Walker were declared re-elected after no one filed to challenge them for their seats.

Now, that’s not to say that McCoy and Walker are not capable, qualified or doing a good job. They are. So are Leavitt and Woodbury.

In fact, this has been one least divisive groups of politicians the city has seen in a long time. They work well together, accomplish things and have learned how to disagree without being disagreeable.

And the city is prospering. All you have to do is look at the city’s financial plan and how it is now able to pay down its debt — several years early — while still having funds to operate the city and replace old electrical systems that are prone to fail or malfunction.

So far, one Boulder City resident, Rich Shuman, has filed for a seat on the council. As a planning commissioner, he brings some knowledge of how the city functions with him. He is eager to help the city and local businesses deal with issues they will be facing with the construction of the Interstate 11 bypass.

He also is a business owner and father of young children and has a stake in making sure the city thrives.

So, for those who like to complain, now is the time to put their money where their mouth is. Make sure your voice and opinions are heard. Take some action. Consider joining the City Council.

It’s not too late.

You have until 5 p.m. Feb. 5 to file for the office and announce your intention to run.

Everyone needs to start somewhere. Why not do it in a place where your heart and soul is?

Experience is not a requirement for running for City Council. A desire to help the city and lead its residents to a brighter future is.

At the very least, please be sure to register to vote (you have until March 17 to ensure you can vote in the April 7 primary). Then be sure to cast your ballot for your favorite candidate.

Boulder City needs people who care, and the city is filled with them.

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