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Graduation start of something big

Tonight, during graduation ceremonies as Boulder City High School’s seniors move the tassels on their caps from the right to the left — signifying they have graduated — remember that this gesture has great meaning.

First, it marks a rite of passage — one that should fill each and every graduate with a sense of pride and a sense of accomplishment. Completing your education, even if you have plans to attend college and tack on another four to eight years, is a big deal. Congratulations on a job well done.

Second, it marks the end of their high school careers. That is scary and exciting at the same time.

Boulder City students are fortunate enough to have known most of their classmates since they stepped into a kindergarten classroom for the first time. They have developed close bonds and made lifelong friends. It made their time in school more special as they were able to create shared memories.

For the past four years, the walls of Boulder City High School have been like a cocoon, protecting and nurturing each student. Like a caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly, the time spent within the walls of the school allows each student to grow and blossom.

The idea of leaving this behind for the wide open spaces of life can be frightening.

But with those wide open spaces come endless opportunities.

It’s like the saying by Alexander Graham Bell that when one door closes, another opens.

It may be trite and a cliche, yet it’s so true.

Graduation closes the door on the past, and it opens the door to the future. That can be anything you want it to be. Whether heading off for college or joining the workforce, graduating from high school really is just a beginning.

When I look back on my time in high school, I am surprised at how insignificant something that I thought was so vital has become. Sure, I treasure my memories, and I enjoy keeping in touch with friends from those bygone days. When I get nostalgic, I look back at my yearbook and remember how much fun I had in high school: the unique lessons, the clubs, the activities and more.

Mostly though, I see that high school provided a strong foundation for the rest of my life.

So much has happened since I moved my tassel from right to left. A college education. Moving far away from my family. Starting a career. Getting married. Starting my own family. Buying a home. Making a difference in other people’s lives through volunteer work. These are the things that matter.

The past 13 years of fretting and worrying about grades and grade point averages, taking the right classes and participating in the right activities, have been utmost in the minds of today’s graduates.

In reality, these things are — or at least will be — inconsequential, just minor blips on the radar of your life.

I know it seems impossible to believe right now, but it’s true.

Although crucial to getting into the perfect college, once you have a degree and enter the job market, seldom do potential employers ask to see your transcripts or worry about what your GPA in high school was. They want to see what you have accomplished since then.

Tonight’s graduation ceremony is also know as commencement — the beginning or start of something. It is the start of a new chapter and new adventures in your life.

As Eagles, the concept of leaving the nest to spread your wings should be a natural.

It’s time for you to soar. Good luck.

Congratulations to the class of 2015.

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