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Editor or juggler? It’s often the same

I have come to believe that in addition to my title as editor of the Boulder City Review I need to add master juggler.

This title takes on multiple meanings as I am always juggling something, and not always successfully.

I realized that earlier this week when I looked at the video I posted on the paper’s Facebook and Twitter accounts of spinner bowls being created at the Boulder City Art Guild’s spring festival this weekend. Apparently, while trying to juggle my notebook, pen, camera, cellphone, purse, sunglasses and a drink, I somehow covered the lens of my cellphone, which I was using to take the video.

Then, in my haste to get the video online before heading to the next task, I neglected to watch it before I posted it to make sure it was the right one. I had taken several.

Juggling multiple physical objects while out on an assignment is an art that only comes after a lot of practice. Usually, I can manage with the pen, notebook and a camera. Adding a second camera or cellphone to take still photographs as well as videos makes it more of a challenge. Pockets, however, are a big help.

Then, if you add in some wind or maybe some rain and an umbrella or hat … well, let’s just say it’s not a pretty sight. At least my attempts to handle multiple objects is nothing like professional jugglers who use things like knives, bowling balls and chain saws in their acts. That would be disastrous.

But more than working with multiple physical items at one time, part of my day involves juggling events and schedules.

Take Saturday’s art festival for example. It was just the first of three events I stopped in on, including two that were happening at the same time.

Trying to keep track of all of the events keeps me juggling schedules via multiple calendars. There are several electronic versions that sync with each other — most of the time — as well as three paper calendars on my desk and hanging on the wall surrounding my desk. The challenge there is to make sure all events and appointments are put on all the calendars so nothing gets missed.

I’m even trying to develop a color coding system so that I know what are office tasks that must be accomplished, which are events that need to be covered, which are appointments I’ve made to speak with someone, and which are personal obligations.

It’s also key to include all the pertinent details — such as time and place — of these multiple appointments because there’s rarely a free minute to search for that information when rushing out the door.

If juggling my own schedule was not enough to keep me occupied, I also must keep tabs on the schedules of my co-workers and family. It’s important to know if they will be in the office or out on an appointment if something comes up that needs to be handled.

We also try to coordinate our vacation times so that no one feels overwhelmed or overloaded.

No wonder I feel dizzy most of the time.

There is one thing that I am grateful for. At least my gig as a professional juggler doesn’t require me to wear oversized shoes or a red nose.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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