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Responsibility cannot be overlooked

Hello America! Or should I say, what’s up Boulder City? The celebrations are about to begin.

With a hopeful expectation of a happy and healthy holiday season, I’d like to remind everyone to be responsible.

Why does article after article address responsibility? Well, let’s see. Essentially it takes 12 years to graduate from school. The next four years are often devoted to college or military. Let’s not even discuss graduate school, which can range from three to 10 years. Still, many people fail to predict negative outcomes from negative choices.

Can you tell me again what may happen if you drink and drive? In 2012, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 33,561 souls lost their opportunity to breath because of traffic-related crashes. From this catastrophic number, 10,322 perished because of drunken driving crashes. We must use our anger over these senseless deaths as a catalyst for positive change.

I can fully appreciate some would say that’s a significant improvement over years past. Sure, unless the numbers include your kids, mother, father, brothers, sisters or other family.

Throughout our path of education, life experiences and the legal system teach us about being socially responsible. It never ceases to amaze me how people’s lack of intellectual capacity is stifled by a personal rationalization that only their actions are paramount, and social responsibility is simply overlooked as a matter of convenience.

“Control, 269. I’ll be 10-8.”

Nov. 2. You can hide, but we will catch you. A car is stopped for a traffic violation and a wanted subject is the passenger. We’ve been looking for Mrs. Slippery for some time. You may get away a day, a week, a month or even a year, but Johnny Law will catch you.

Nov. 3. Can you say behaving? Every once in a while, utopia and bliss are reality. Boulder City residents, thank you for a wonderful day. No one went to jail and it was a rather hush-hush day. We don’t get them often, but when we do, we like them.

Nov. 4. Driving is not about connecting the street’s reflector dots with your tires. We call this a line clue. Lights, camera, action. Can you repeat that please; you said two beers? I don’t think so! Field sobriety tests are a circus act. The performer is whisked off to jail for his third DUI; that’s a felony.

Nov. 6. A B Hill resident reports a subject came to the door and asked for Joe. The suspicious subject goes to another house asking for Joe. We arrive and make contact with Mr. Suspicious. Apparently, everything was on the up and up. But be careful; this is how thieves check to see if anyone is home. Thank goodness for alert residents.

Nov. 7. Almost quitting time. What? Caller reports a fire at the Cherry Lynn Apartments. Officers arrive and evacuate the building. Boulder City Fire Department did a great job dousing the flames. No one was injured, but the apartment suffered extensive damage. An arson investigator is determining the cause of the fire.

Nov. 8. A caller reports a moped was left on the corner of Christina Drive and Georgia Avenue. Officers arrive and determine the moped was stolen. While there, another caller reports five juveniles apparently just stole a moped, loaded it in a truck and were driving toward Henderson. Officers arrive at the Henderson address and after investigating and recovering another moped, five juveniles head off in cuffs.

A local resident made a good suggestion. It was suggested residents send in a “topic” question and I would answer it. If you’d like to submit a question that deals with law enforcement topics, issues or basic Nevada Revised Statutes, feel free. Drop it off at the police station or mail it in to 1005 Arizona St., Attn: Blotter Question. If possible, a short answer or response would be given the following week.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 11-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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