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‘Protesters’ positive attitude contagious

The protesters were in town the other day and, from a distance, they appeared quite jovial. As I approached the group holding signs and yelling from the sidewalk I noticed the smiles and positive tone of the gathering. They were few in number but great in heart! They held signs expressing their appreciation for the first responders in our community and were waving and asking for honks to celebrate their great community.

They announced the first Boulder City Hero &First Responder Day on Sept. 17, from 1-4 p.m. at Escalante Park in Boulder City. It amazed me at the contagiousness (is that really a word?) of their attitudes and behavior. It’s just another reminder, to me, that it’s just as easy to “pick up” a good tone as opposed to the alternative.

This might just be something others find positive in their lives, as well. Hope you have a wonderful week, and stay safe out there.

July 7. Suspicious: The caller has gotten up to find several pieces of furniture have been set up in his driveway and they are not his at 4:08 a.m. in the 1000 block of Industrial Road.

Assault: A report came in of an assault occurring earlier in the day at 12:28 p.m. in the 1000 block of Arizona Street.

Thought for the day: The victim of the assault — not committed in our presence — learns that someone blowing their horn at them is not enforceable unless they want to sign the citation and take the person to court. Evidently, it was not that serious.

July 8. Animal: A woman reports her dog was bitten by a rattlesnake and they are en route to the vet at 10:33 a.m. in the 100 block of Stone Canyon Road.

DUI: The driver and his passenger think they can get through town after a night of partying at 10:28 p.m. in the 1200 block of Nevada Way.

Thought for the day: The “manly thing” was to drive intoxicated and now the female gets to drive home alone.

July 9. Accident: Vehicle versus palm tree equals palm tree lost, the vehicle lost, and the intoxicated driver lost on this one at 3:05 a.m. in the 900 block of Nevada Way.

Arson: Officers respond to multiple calls a family disturbance with property damage at 8:59 p.m. in the 500 block of Tara Court.

Thought for the day: Fire in a multifamily complex is a scary prospect indeed.

July 10. Civil: The caller wants to know the process for a transaction made over the computer where the payment was made with a fraudulent account at 8:42 a.m. in the 700 block of Los Tavis Way.

Reckless: The driver states the confrontation began before Searchlight but continued at speeds over 100 mph into our jurisdiction and concluded with full beer cans being launched at the caller’s vehicle at 11:03 a.m. in the area of Mile Marker 53 of U.S. Highway 95.

July 11. Assist: The man thinks his sister is having trouble with her cellphone because of his prior employment in another state from multiple years ago at 1:38 p.m. in the 1000 block of Arizona St.

Animal: The caller states there is an unknown object, black and white, alongside the road before Railroad Pass and it might be an animal or a blanket at 5:43 p.m. in the area of the overpass on U.S. Highway 93.

Thought for the day: The blanket or animal makes a quick getaway and cannot be located alongside the roadway.

July 12. Suspicious: The caller reports finding a TV set, minus the screen, floating in the pool upon awaking at 5:44 a.m. in the 1500 block of Mancha Drive.

Trespass: An officer is dispatched to a subject inside a room that is registered to another party who is not present at 2:20 p.m. in the 900 block of Nevada Way.

Thought for the day: Don’t ya just have to wonder how a TV ends up in someone else’s pool?

July 13. Animal: The caller can see a snake trying to climb the wall of a local establishment as he waits in the drive-thru next door at 4:55 p.m. in the 1200 block of Nevada Highway.

Family disturbance: The woman reports that her elderly mother threw a bottle at her husband and the officer finds that drinking is in the equation at 6:02 p.m. in the 1500 block of Nevada Highway.

Thought for the day: That’s some good vision to spot a snake at that distance.

Call of the week: Assist other department: Officers are called to assist with a small fire that ends up being a pile of burning clothing in the middle of the street. It looks like another love gone wrong episode at 5:49 a.m. July 11 in the area of Cottonwood Street and Avenue A.

Tina Ransom is a dispatcher with Boulder City Police Department. She is coordinator of the Boulder City Citizen’s Academy.

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