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Public Safety

Leave water balloons at home this Fourth of July

Hello ladies and gentlemen. In less then two months we will be celebrating the birthday of this great nation. First, as Americans we have much to be thankful for. Second, as Boulder City residents we are blessed, still maintaining the true essence of small town America.

Fifth-graders to celebrate DARE graduation

In the early 1980s America got its first taste of the war on drugs. Drug use, gang activity and violence were on the rise, and the increased use of cocaine and crack cocaine was blamed. It didn’t take long for parents, teachers and police departments across the nation to recognize the need for early intervention.

Firefighters support MDA with boot drive

In 1950, a group of adults suffering from neuromuscular diseases partnered up with parents of children also suffering from neuromuscular diseases to create the Muscular Dystrophy Association. For more than 60 years the Muscular Dystrophy Association, commonly known as MDA, has been providing research and support to millions of Americans. The association has been recognized by the American Medical Association “for significant and lasting contributions to the health and welfare of humanity.”

Unfortunately, evil is alive and well in the world

I wonder what another job would be like sometimes. I know this is my chosen profession, but every so often I hear some crazy conversation, and I can’t turn off the cop in me. While off duty, in parts unknown, I, like you, wear normal clothes. The majority of the time, the public at large has no idea about my chosen profession.

Police Blotter

April 30, 8:28 p.m.

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Police practices in U.S. similar in snaring DUIs

Current police practices are somewhat similar across the country; through standardization the margin of error is decreased. Why is this important? Well, let’s take a look at SFSTs.

Planning a summer adventure? Consider safety

As the summer months approach, there is a growing anticipation of vacations and adventures. There is something about the great outdoors that makes you feel like Christopher Columbus discovering the new world, or Lewis and Clark exploring the unknown of the West.

Living with COPD requires changes

Are you one of the approximately 24 million Americans diagnosed with COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Or, could you be one of the 12 million Americans that, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, suffers from COPD and does not know it?

Police Blotter

April 16, 3:49 p.m.

Emergency supplies kit important just in case

Most of us have walked around the block. We’ve seen, read or experienced calamity. The word disaster or natural disaster can affect any community. We can never predict. But if it’s predictable, then it’s preventable in the words of risk management expert Gordon Graham.

Police training ends with four months of field work

The last couple of weeks you’ve read about a police officer’s hiring process and the police academy course of study. Before becoming a solo-certified police officer, a new hire must successfully complete a Field Training & Evaluation Program.

Healthy eating changes hard but necessary

A growing problem in America is an increasingly unhealthy population. An increase in the number of overweight Americans has led to more doctor’s visits, hospitalizations, prescribed medications and deaths nationally.

Police Blotter

April 10, 7:53 a.m.

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