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Officers often accused of harassing when executing the job

Police officers have encounters with the public, but we are occasionally cited with the word “harassment.” Harassment is defined as disturbing, pestering, persecution or troubling repeatedly. Let’s examine this.

OK, so, Mr. or Mrs. Doe, I guess the fact you are speeding, driving 55 mph in a 35 mph area, is reasonable. Oh, no; it’s OK, you can panhandle for money, trouble the law-abiding public, but we’re harassing? I hope the people who wield this word around would ask themselves why did the police show up? I can guarantee the reason we’re talking to a subject was someone called. We investigate what callers think is not right or what is a violation of the law. Whether it’s a noise complaint, a family feud, an intoxicated person or even a person walking down the sidewalk, a complaint was called in.

Once in awhile we have to make some stops; we observe laws being violated. But, most of the time we get dispatched to calls for service because someone called for our assistance. It’s funny that when someone is making a not-so-good decision (breaking a law) they use the harassing adverb when we talk to them. We truly are doing our job to protect and serve. Just think of all the stuff going on in our little town, and we have police. Just imagine if there was no police.

Oh yeah, by the way, don’t forget, no water balloons this year at the Fourth of July parade.

On May 19, a caller reports a family disturbance at one of the motels. Thank goodness, there was no physical violence. Just a couple arguing, probably over something minor. However, the male subject forgot to go see the judge a couple of weeks ago. Judges do not like it when you miss your scheduled appointment; they issue warrants. What started as a minor argument led to a temporary address change for the male.

May 20, officers were dispatched to the Magic Cove Court area regarding a disturbance. Two guys and a gal leave Huntington Beach, Calif., to get away from that crazy California life for a while. While visiting grandparents, they go to the Hacienda, not to gamble, but to buy some cocaine. The female forgot to bring her antidepressant medication. Cocaine plus no antidepressants equals a hospital evaluation. Talk about a mess. Couldn’t they have stayed in Cali for this.

On May 21, a truck driver calls to report he had just hit a female pedestrian near Railroad Pass Casino. A badly disfigured female was found clinging to life. Henderson rescue transported the female to Sunrise trauma, where she later passed away. Nevada Highway Patrol is investigating.

May 22, an officer pulls over a reckless driver. Crime is afoot. K-9 officer feels something is amiss. K-9 Charlie’s good sense of smell alerts to the presence of methamphetamine. Officers recover the drugs, and the driver was given a free ride to Clark County Detention Center.

On May 23, a resident reports someone is on their golf course patio and not looking for a ball. The male subject is yelling and causing a disturbance. Officers search the area but the subject jumps the rear wall and does like a groundhog on the golf course. About 30 minutes later, another golf course residents calls, and advises a male subject is curled up underneath the patio table. Officers find the subject, who admits to taking some prescription pills. Medics check him and then off to jail he goes for disturbing the peace.

May 24, an officer sees a known wanted subject leaving Albertsons carrying a box. The subject and the accomplice are stopped. The box contains alcohol they just lifted out of the store. Both of them have pain pill prescriptions that don’t belong to them. Can someone say, go directly to jail without passing go.

On May 25, an officer with great night vision spots this one. While on patrol in the industrial area an officer sees something, but can’t believe his eyes. He sees a male subject sleeping outside, in front of the apartments. But this guy forgot his PJs; he was naked. The gentleman proudly explains he was letting his apartment air out. He decides to head back inside after a strong warning.

Ladies and gents thanks for coming out with me. It was a fun week. Have a safe week. Oh, by the way, don’t forget your pajamas if you want to sleep outside in the front yard.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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