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Public Safety

Pneumonia can be deadly, especially for seniors

When considering major threats and complications to your health, pneumonia most likely does not immediately come to mind. Pneumonia can strike independently, typically during the winter or flu season; however, it is more likely to occur as a complication of another illness, often times, the flu. Pneumonia also can be a complication of other illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes or even alcoholism and is the fifth leading cause of death for older Americans.

Be alert, careful to avoid scams

The information superhighway is a magnificent conduit for knowledge and exploitation. Anything in its purest form is usually a good thing. However, in our modern world of malevolent behavior, sometimes good intent is lacking.

Police Blotter

Oct. 7, 11:46 a.m.

Drive safely, OK? We’d rather not call

As our world appears to become more riddled with tragedy, don’t forget to be as careful as possible. If you recently traveled into Henderson, you may have read the Amber Alert board that announced, “209 roadway deaths in Nevada this year.”

The Latest
Smoke alarms save lives

October is the national fire awareness month sponsored by National Fire Protection Association.

Justice knows no bias; laws apply to all equally

While an eavesdropping isn’t polite, overhearing a conversation can be enlightening. The voice said, “I can’t believe it, they (who is they? You guessed it, Boulder City Police Department) gave me a ticket. Don’t they know I live here?”

Police Blotter

Sept. 30, 11:59 a.m.

Police Blotter

Sept. 23, 8:51 a.m.

Officers appreciate ever-vigilant residents

The media and news stories present real life in the bleakest of moments. Tragedy, despair, hateful ignorance or intolerance, you pick. I couldn’t help it; I wonder where did accountability, respect and following the rules go?

Take active role in your health care

Taking special care of your health, particularly after the age of 60, will help you ward off illnesses before their onset and also will help prepare your body to fight the illnesses that may not be prevented. After age 60, hidden health dangers such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, osteoporosis, lung disorders and infectious diseases are more prevalent, and can appear with little warning.

Stepping up by stepping out

During the past few weeks, the day shift has implemented a foot patrol detail. This program will become one of our department’s cornerstones.

Police Blotter

Sept. 16, 3:52 a.m.

Police Blotter

Sept. 9, 11:32 a.m.

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