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Myriad celebrations mark nation’s independence

This weekend, people across the United States will be celebrating the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence with fireworks displays, picnics and parades.

Some communities celebrate in other ways and I thought it might be fun to glance at those. South Carolina celebrates with an annual boat parade while New Mexico’s Apache reservation includes a coming-of-age ceremony for teenage girls. New England celebrates with a salmon feast while the San Francisco Mime Troupe kicks off its season with a free show.

Coney Island in New York celebrates with a hot dog eating contest. New Orleans presents a music festival. In south central Kentucky, there is a computer trap shoot at which components are launched in the air and used for target practice (think I might have to move there).

Other suggestions for awesome holiday traditions include hanging the American flag to start the day, making ice cream, seeing a blockbuster movie, making root beer, or having a block party with a red, white and blue food.

Boulder City’s 67th annual Damboree celebration is expected to be outstanding (as always)! The pancake breakfast will commence at 7 a.m. followed by the veterans’ group flyover and annual parade at 9 a.m.

The all-day event at Broadbent Park will have something for everyone to enjoy and the evening festivities are expected to begin at 6 p.m. at Veterans’ Memorial Park (including fireworks).

No water balloons will be allowed at any event. Safe and sane fireworks are allowed at home only on July 4. No sparking, sizzling, smoking or exploding varieties of fireworks are allowed anywhere in the city limits. The dry lake recreation area will remain closed to all use from Friday-Sunday.

Have fun America!

Remember, you’ll be hearing fireworks Saturday evening; it might be time to break out the earplugs.

June 18. Animal: A man was arrested after the initial caller reported seeing a kitten in animal-restricted housing at 10:43 a.m. in the 1000 block of Nevada Way.

Trespassing: Officers receive a report that people are having trouble realizing that evicted means they don’t live there any longer at 2:49 p.m. in the 1700 block of Fleetwood Street.

Accident: A caller reports a vehicle versus a no left turn sign. The sign won at 3:32 p.m. in the 1200 block of Nevada Highway.

Thought for the day: Before you start to worry, we don’t arrest for pet infractions, but we do for outstanding warrants, when applicable.

June 19. See person: A caller reports a rogue tree trimmer has massacred a tree on the caller’s property at 9:13 a.m. in the 1100 block of Olmo Way.

Suspicious: A woman believes nefarious activities have been afoot while she was in the hospital. However, the officer believes that a youngster just forgot his skateboard near her home at 10:59 a.m. in the 500 block of Hopi Place.

Drunk: Officers receive a report about a woman facial injuries who is causing a disturbance and refusing medical assistance at 10:22 p.m. in the 1400 block of San Felipe Drive.

Thought for the day: It’s proven that the floor gets closer to your face the more alcohol you consume.

June 20. Traffic: A person narrowly avoids a night in the crossbar hotel at 2:11 a.m. in the 500 block of Nevada Way.

Exposure: A man is surprised to find the drinking establishment also provides restrooms and decides to finish his evening by using it at 3:19 a.m. in the 700 block of Nevada Way.

Suspicious: A caller reports a man sleeping in a bush who also has an adequate supply of alcohol nearby at 7:18 p.m. in the 800 block of Nevada Way.

Thought for the day: Astonishingly, alcohol seems to be involved in a large percentage of our calls.

June 21. Drunk: A verbose man is demonstrating his knowledge of obscene words at 1:01 a.m. in the area of 100 Ville Drive.

Threats: An intoxicated man is making numerous 911 calls to report threats made by a more intoxicated friend at 7:21 a.m. in the 800 block of Nevada Way.

Family disturbance: A man living with his mother does not appreciate her nagging him about drinking (two beers) when he has his young daughter around at 1:35 p.m. in the 800 block of El Camino Way.

Thought for the day: Two beers is “cop speak” for ‘I stopped counting long after two.

June 22. Juvenile disturbance: The midnight toilet paper crew strikes but spends the rest of the night cleaning up after members are busted on camera at 12:48 a.m. in the 1300 block of Highland Court.

Civil: A woman states her ex is trying to make her look crazy. She has glass in her foot. He has her glasses and that will keep her from getting her prescription filled until July at 4:11 p.m. in the 500 block of Fir Street.

Trespass: A man who was elated that Vons is now Haggen was bummed to find out he was still trespassed no matter what the store’s name at 11:01 p.m. in the 800 block of Buchanan Boulevard.

Thought for the day: I must be getting old. How much does it cost to toilet paper a house?

June 23. Shots: A caller reports hearing shots and seeing flashes nearby. The subject will not be making that mistake again at 5:38 a.m. in the area of the dry lake bed on U.S. Highway 95.

Suspicious: A caller thinks the man with long stringy hair pulling a shopping cart containing a lawn statue looks suspicious at 7:24 a.m. in the area of Ville and Don Vincente drives.

Suspicious: Two men are loitering and giving employees an uncomfortable vibe. The men are told to move on and one will be heading to the police department to register as an offender at 12:25 p.m. in the 500 block of Nevada Way.

Thought for the day: Good call by the young employees on staying alert and notifying us of cagey characters.

June 24. Drunk: A local character finds a table a fine place for a nap at 8:53 a.m. in the 1600 block of Nevada Highway.

Animal: The animal control officer is out, yet again, herding the sheep back to Hemenway Park and away from the roadway at 1:07 p.m. in the area of U.S. Highway 93 and Ville Drive.

Suspicious: Young people were attempting to gain access to a vacant building at 2:34 p.m. in the 700 block of Park Place.

Thought for the day: Here’s wishing the grass was as green near the park as it was near the road.

Call(s) of the week: Officers receive a report of a person acting suspiciously running back and forth into the roadway trying to attack a dog at 2:15 a.m. in the area of Nevada Way at Cherry Street.

Have a great week!

Tina Ransom is a dispatcher with Boulder City Police Department. She is coordinator of the Boulder City Citizen’s Academy.

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