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Laws apply to all — equally

Law? Founded in truth from the beginning of time. A three-letter word tethered by a scale and covered with a blindfold, offering unbiased oversight in our lives.

Most of us inherently adhere to the rules and regulations of our great land. Although a very minor indiscretion may cause a financial speed bump to a law breaker or the incarceration for the commission of a heinous act, all offenders are offered the opportunity to stand before Lady Justice.

I’m sure you heard of the Bill of Rights. The great framers of this document made sure the rights of all residents would be well-protected, offering guidance to the present day. One of the most ingenious aspects of this document is how it’s interpreted by us.

Although we, as police officers, often see the black and white letters, others in the criminal justice system synthesize it into gray matter. We get minutes, and many times only seconds, to make a decision. Our life may depend on that split-second judgment. A court’s gradual examination creeps forward, analyzing microscopic details surrounding the series of events leading to the citation, arrest or shooting of the alleged suspect.

Serving out justice is not a Hollywood movie; it is the laboring efforts of all participants in the criminal justice system. Everyone has a job to do and hopefully, we can keep everyone safe.

Are you ready? “Control, 269, I’ll be in service, with the gang.”

July 27. A gorgeous day for a counterfeiter — maybe not. This afternoon, an officer is dispatched to Vons regarding several counterfeit bills. Apparently, a subject passed these fictitious bills for a purchase. A very short time later, Albertsons calls regarding a customer attempting to exchange some of this monopoly money. Officers catch up to these subjects and provide a ride to the county’s humble home.

July 28. Bank of America calls about a subject standing in front of the doors, not letting employees in. We make contact with the defunct doorman; he advises us he is waiting for the bus. We check him out and learn a warrant was issued for our subject. However, Metropolitan Police Department does not want to pick him up so, we provide some transportation.

July 29. A Nevada Inn manager informs us that a male subject in the motel’s lobby is screaming, causing a disturbance. The manager can only provide the subject’s first name. We arrive and the alleged mental health consumer has vanished. If it’s who we think it is, he knows the warrant invitation for overnight accommodations with meals will not be a five star hotel.

July 30. Kids at ABC Park with BB guns are shooting at each other. After making contact with the teenagers, we retrieve two real-looking handguns with orange tips. Yeah, they’re airsoft BB guns, but please talk with your children about using these in a public setting. We do have a city ordinance that restricts the use of these types of guns. We explained the law to the kids and sent them home.

Aug. 1. A landlord calls regarding squatters being in one of his alley bungalows. We arrive and find an adult teenager staying at the location off Avenue I. The story goes like this: His friend rented the place and moved out, so he just moved in. We explained the legal way to establish occupancy. Before vacating the premises, he received a couple of court invitations for the drug paraphernalia he had in the home.

Aug. 2. The management of the Inner Circle Lounge calls regarding a male subject sleeping on the stairs, between the first and second floor. Mr. Intoxicated, first name, Belligerent, will not cooperate and makes crude references regarding the location of his identification. He finally opens his peepers, fluffs his feathers and squares off with us. Before the fist comes forward, we grab the chicken wings and he’s safely placed into handcuffs. Oh, what’s that? He has warrants and methamphetamine in his pocket. You know the rest of the story.

Laws? We love them for maintaining the order of our society. Sometimes though, we’re not as excited about them, when we sign for that citation or feel the soberness of metal bracelets.

I fully appreciate the sincerity and humble force laws carry. I hope our residents comprehend we have been entrusted to do this job. So, like that Nebraska state trooper said to me, “If you would have been driving the speed limit, you wouldn’t be getting this ticket.” And I’m a cop; gotta love that blindfold.

Keep it real Boulder City.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 11-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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