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Few extra minutes can make a difference

Ring! Ring! Ring! Wake up! Come on, let’s get going; we’re going to be late. Where are we going? You don’t remember? We have an appointment. An appointment with whom? It will change your life. Again, who is the appointment with? It’s an appointment with tragedy!

Can you imagine? Who would ever think of making such an appointment? Many times a person’s super cape of invulnerability clouds his or her reason. Every day we work accidents or see the tragic consequence of poor decision making. Remember, you can’t unring a bell.

Bell? You don’t say? Oh yeah, our children are heading back to school this Monday. So, listen up Boulder City, the school speed zones will be in effect. Pass the word! We will be out in full force, enforcing 15 mph in the school zones.

Plan ahead and give yourself a couple of extra minutes. If you take one of the side streets to avoid the school zone, it’s 25 mph. Don’t think you can bypass the school zone and fly on those streets. We will catch you! One more thing: Please respect the crossing guards out there.

Think of it like this. Would you prefer to donate a minimum of $305 to Boulder City for speeding in the school zone, or would you rather spend that money on something for your kids, spouse or yourself?

Just remember something. On second thought, let’s cancel that appointment with tragedy.

“Control, 269, 10-8.”

Aug. 10. We are dispatched to the area of Darlene Way regarding an altercation. We make contact with the brothers and learn the fight was about some medication. One brother did do some home interior redecoration, but we determined no physical violence occurred. No physical battery, no arrest.

Aug. 11. Remember when you were a little kid? These little pitchers-to-be were practicing for the major league. We get called to the area of Shoshone Way regarding two kids throwing rocks at cars driving by. Contact with the 7-year-old and 3-year-old is made and we talk to the parents. I wonder which one got the idea first?

Aug. 12. A call comes in regarding a disturbance at McDonald’s. We learn a local mental health consumer is screaming and yelling profanities at patrons. We find out a driver parking his car accidentally hit the horn, scaring Mr. Adjective Maker. We were able to calm him down and restore order.

Aug. 13. A senior citizen from Gingerwood Mobile Park called regarding her car being stolen. Apparently, she allowed an acquaintance who befriended her to take her car to get it fixed. Well, a couple of weeks go by and no car. This young character is nowhere to be found. So, we entered the car in the criminal database as stolen. Be alert of these so-called helpers.

Aug. 14. An officer stops a vehicle unfit to be on the roadway. After making contact with the driver, the officer gets consent to search the vehicle. The officer finds that wacky-tobaccy. After a field sobriety test, the driver is arrested for DUI. It will be a hard lesson for this young driver, but one that can be learned from — hopefully.

Aug. 15. An officer sees an unregistered vehicle speeding up Ville Drive. The vehicle almost makes it to home base, but the lights come on. After making contact with the driver, the officer learns the driver has warrants and was drinking a beer while driving. The cold, open beer can was a giveaway. The driver passes standardized field sobriety tests. After being arrested for the warrant, the officer finds a dozen hydrocodone pills in a sandwich baggie. Dear mom, you’re not going to believe what happened.

Aug. 16. It’s 8 a.m. A person reports seeing a subject wandering around the apartments on Del Rey Drive. The witness reports seeing the subject attempting to open doors. We find the subject; he’s a five-time convicted felon for burglary. I bet you can tell me where we took him. An alert resident is always a big help for us.

Another successful week! Thanks for your help Boulder City.

Don’t forget, school zones are in effect as of Monday. We’d rather wave and say hello if we see you in the school zone. But if you give us the chance, we will come to your car door, say hello and give you a personal invitation to court.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 11-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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