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Father’s friendship, advice a blessing

June 19 will mark Father’s Day, a day for showing your father how much he means to you — presuming that you don’t do that most every other day of the year. Some of my friends are spending their first holiday without their dads, some have had long estrangements from their fathers, and still others have no idea who their father is.

A long time ago I determined there is a huge difference between relatives and family. Relatives are those people we see during holidays or vacations with whom we, most of the time, prefer not to have frequent contact with. Family, at least in my world, consists of a ragtag bunch of characters I’ve met on life’s highway along with relatives that truly have expressed an interest in my well-being and we add value to each other’s lives.

I’ve been blessed to be best friends with both my mother and my father during this stage of our lives. My teenage years — well, that’s another story altogether. My father is a true Wyoming gentleman and a person that I wish I would have aspired to have my future husband be like. He is the “MacGyver” of all projects at home and on the job.

He gave me the gift of believing in myself and abilities that I had yet to know that I had. I am truly the person I am today because of his patience and love shown to me and, more importantly, shown to people we didn’t even know. He was a reserve police officer for many years and taught me the importance of going above and beyond what is expected, in all cases.

I hope you are blessed enough to have a male figure that you can show kindness to . Take a minute of your time to wish someone else well, be it a father, a brother, a neighbor or simply someone you meet along your travels.

May 26. Suspicious: The caller believes he has found the place the neighbor has been tunneling through the block wall to remove the skirting from his mobile home at 1:10 a.m. in the 1200 block of Potosi Street.

Assist other jurisdiction: Park Service requests assistance closing the road near the Hoover Dam Lodge with a fuel tanker on fire; there is 8,400 gallons of fuel on board at 9:26 p.m. in the area of 1800 U.S. Highway 93.

Thought for the day: That is a lot of fuel to burn and in a contained space it could become explosive.

May 27. Family disturbance: The male is back at the residence after avoiding service of the protective order. It is served now and he has left the area with a new understanding at 6:33 a.m. in the 1300 block of Fifth Street.

Vagrancy: The callers state the vagrants come and go from the shed out back and they are concerned 10:35 a.m. in the 1700 block of Red Mountain Drive.

Thought for the day: We are hopeful that the crime of squatting will be been upgraded in seriousness to a gross misdemeanor by the legislature as proposed.

May 28. Suspicious: A man is in his vehicle consuming alcohol and will “sleep it off” prior to resuming his trip to Arizona at 3:52 a.m. in the 1000 block of Nevada Way.

Assist other: Officers arrive to assist medical personnel with a participant of an event in Bootleg Canyon at 7:27 a.m. in the 1000 block of Yucca Street.

May 29. Temporary protective order violation: The subject becomes combative when advised a protective order cannot be violated even if the person who asked for it invites you to at 11:36 a.m. in the 1300 block of Fifth Street.

Reckless: The caller reports a vehicle pulling personal watercrafts driving recklessly and running other vehicles off the road by changing lanes abruptly at 1:50 p.m. in the area of Buchanan Boulevard and Nevada Highway.

Thought for the day: The driver is not impaired except by the anxious urge to ride the waves.

May 30. Suspicious: The caller wants to report a person sleeping in the bed of a pickup under a tarp in front of her house at 6:55 a.m. in the 1500 block of Nevada Way.

Fraud: The caller wants to report that a personal debit card number is being used for purchases in and out of the state at 4:41 p.m. in the 700 block of Fairway Drive.

May 31 Fraud: The caller reports checks that were stolen in December are now being used and several thousand dollars are missing at 10:30 a.m. in the 1000 block of Arizona Street.

Fraud: An elderly woman comes to the lobby saying she has fallen victim to the “grandson/auto accident” scam and has sent several thousand dollars of iTunes cards to an “attorney” and they are now demanding more at 1:06 p.m. in the 1000 block of Arizona Street.

Thought for the day: If the “attorney” demands iTunes card codes, we, in law enforcement, call that a clue that there is something amiss. Don’t do it.

June 1 Disturbance: Several calls from the same residence culminate with personal items raining down outside from a balcony at 8:19 p.m. in the 500 block of Tara Court.

DUI: This driver won’t be at home resting soundly at the stroke of midnight tonight after a bout of celebrating leads to a night in the big house at 11:23 p.m. in the 1100 block of Fifth Street.

Call of the week: Missing person: A senior escapes from a care unit and all responders are on alert because of the excessive heat. She is found and advises she just “needed a meeting” at the lost and found at 3:36 p.m. in the 600 block of Adams Boulevard on May 28.

Tina Ransom is a dispatcher with Boulder City Police Department. She is coordinator of the Boulder City Citizen’s Academy.

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