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Applications available for Citizens Academy

Area residents interested in joining the Citizens Academy can now download the application at www.bcnv.org.

The 10-week class begins Sept. 10 and will continue from 7-10 p.m. on Thursdays through Nov. 19. It will cover a variety of topics, from traffic stops to domestic violence. Several field trips also are planned.

Applications to join the program are due Sept. 1.

Also, the Boulder City Police Department is hosting National Night Out at Veterans' Memorial Park, 1650 Buchanan Blvd., from 6-9 p.m. Tuesday.

July 16. Parking: An officer provides a resident the city's ordinance regarding parking in the yard at 8:28 a.m. in the 800 block of Avenue I.

Animal: A woman reports her dog was mauled by a larger dog and is now in the animal hospital. The owner of the offending animal steps up and agrees to pay all vet costs at 11:49 a.m. in the 500 block of Shoshone Way.

Traffic hazard: A pile of landscape material was removed from the roadway but there is still residual material and caller believes it should be addressed by the city at 4:27 p.m. in the 600 block of Arizona Street.

Thought for the day: I am glad to see that some pet owners are taking responsibility for their animals. Now we just to eliminate the need for it.

July 17. Soliciting: A business owner states a vagrant is in the store asking people for money. The subject will move along at 4:39 a.m. in the 1600 block of Nevada Highway.

Burglary: A caller has discovered that luggage is missing from the back of the pickup while the caller was at work at 2:44 p.m. in the 1000 block of Nevada Highway.

Suspicious: The reporting party states painters have been working all day at a nearby house but are now gone and the garage door is standing open at 6:52 p.m. in the 1800 block of Hilton Head Drive.

Thought for the day: The best policy is not to leave any valuables out in the open and unlocked at any time.

July 18. Suspicious: An employee calls and states that a subject has been there for about five hours and the employee is trying to close the business at 1:11 a.m. in the 1000 block of Nevada Way.

Domestic: A mother and daughter are involved in an altercation and there were some injuries to the mom at 10:09 a.m. in the 700 block of Darlene Way.

Disturbance: A woman reports someone took a bike from a local motel and she "put him under arrest" and he fled toward 7-Eleven dressed in black with a shaved head and on a skateboard at 10:45 a.m. in the 800 block of Nevada Way.

Thought for the day: Confucius say: If you plan to arrest people, you might want to add "call police" or "be a fast runner" to your bag of tricks.

July 19. See person: A woman states her roommate and her car disappeared at about the same time and is surprised to find that both are located at a nearby casino at 12:46 a.m. in the 1300 block of Shenandoah Street.

Traffic: An officer stops and cites the fourth driver in a row breaking the speed limit (at over 100 mph) at 2:27 p.m. in the area of mile marker 38 on U.S. Highway 95.

Animal: A man states he is happy to watch the house of his friend but the rattlesnake in the garage is just too much at 5:43 p.m. in the 900 block of Vista Lago Way.

Thought for the day: It's time for a new roommate.

July 20. Suspicious: A caller wants us to check on a subject sleeping on the sidewalk at 12:25 a.m. in the area of Sixth Street and Avenue G.

Suspicious vehicle: Employees are losing their patience with a disagreeable customer after two days at 8:37 a.m. in the 1600 block of Nevada Highway.

Animal: A woman is at the animal hospital with her dog that was attacked by a coyote at 8:56 a.m. in the 400 block of Enterprise Court.

Thought for the day: Is it bad that I'm not surprised by someone sleeping on the sidewalk anymore?

July , 21. Larceny: A man comes into the lobby to report that his laptop has been taken and pawned at 10:11 a.m. in the 1000 block of Arizona Street.

Destruction of property: A man reports that his car was hit by a beer sign that was propelled by the wind at 2:21 p.m. in the area of U.S. Highway 93 and Ville Drrive.

Parking: A pedestrian directs an officer to a motorhome that is obstructing the sidewalk at 7:16 p.m. in the 800 block of Fire Agate Drive.

Thought for the day: It's a fair assumption that the driver will not forget the name Budweiser in the near future.

July 22. Prowler: A homeowner spots someone in his backyard at 2:41 a.m. in the 1500 block of Mancha Drive.

Larceny: An expensive piece of equipment was reported taken from the job site in the area of the Hoover Dam Lodge on the new bypass road at 10:20 a.m.

Assist other agency: Metropolitan Police Department requests a check on a residence after a stolen vehicle report was taken and the owner had left residence keys inside at 3:19 p.m. in the 800 block of Temple Rock Court.

Thought for the day: Stay safe and let us check out any suspicious characters spotted outside in the dark. We don't want you to get hurt.

Call(s) of the week: Welfare check: A woman states she is concerned about an elderly female who was outside picking up after her dog in a short nightgown and no underpants at 12:04 p.m. in the 1500 block of Fifth Street.

Have a great week.

Tina Ransom is a dispatcher with Boulder City Police Department. She is coordinator of the Boulder City Citizen's Academy.


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