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City Government

Price for pool project up sharply

Since inflation started to really take off in early 2022, the cost of everything seems to have gone up: eggs, gasoline, rent. And it appears that proposed construction projects are not immune from the effects of rapidly-rising prices.

Local park playground improvements delayed

Put this one in the “pros” column. New equipment has been ordered by the city for playgrounds at several local parks.

Steel palms remove need for irrigation

Sharp-eyed residents of the Golf Course Estates area and anyone passing Veterans’ Memorial Park via Buchanan Boulevard may have noticed the trees at the Broadmoor Circle median have a distinctly “metal” look.

Public rates parkway improvements

Phase II of the Boulder City Parkway Complete Streets Project is slated to begin soon and, as part of the project, the city hosted a virtual survey so that residents could rate the importance of various proposed improvements.

Hospital, city address homeless issue

For those who attended the May 18 public input session at the Boulder City Senior Center, which asked residents “What keeps you up at night?” one may have walked away thinking homelessness was the top issue facing Boulder City.

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City to extend low-rate leases on hangars

Issues surrounding the Boulder City Airport playing a role in many of the most contentious stories about city government over the past several years is nothing new.

Process begins for solar rezoning Council also approves lease for energy storage facility

In a pair of actions that took a total of perhaps five minutes in a Boulder City Council meeting Tuesday that lasted nearly five hours, the city council approved the lease terms for a battery facility to be used for storing energy generated by existing solar panels. Also introduced was a potential action that would open up more than 783 acres in the Eldorado Valley for future solar development.

City opens process for energy storage facility

In a bit of a twist on the old saying, the preview of a potentially big development for Boulder City’s future in terms of both money and tech came packaged in a tiny, one-page bill introduced to the council last week.

Tiny homes coming to Boulder City?

The Planning Commission is slated to consider changes to zoning in Boulder City that would allow for “tiny homes” (typically less than 400 square feet in size) to co-exist with mobile homes.

City signs on to new union agreements

The city recently agreed to new contracts with city employees represented by a pair of bargaining units of Teamsters Local 14. The Blue Collar Bargaining Unit represents dozens of city employees ranging from animal control officers to HVAC techs and wastewater workers. The Clerical Bargaining Unit, while smaller, still represents a range of employees from department secretaries to code enforcement officers to court clerks.

City will pay $220K more for insurance in FY2024

“It would be very helpful to explain if the 32% year-over-year increase is a blanket one affecting other jurisdiction similarly situated to Boulder City or if we are being singled out in some way.”

Dog park nears completion at Veterans’ Memorial

If all goes as planned, within the next two weeks, residents and visitors will have a new location for Bo, Logan, Luna and Buddy to play and interact with their four-legged friends.

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