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Project helps parents find solutions

Since I began working as the Boulder City coordinator of the Nevada Community Prevention Coalition in July of 2013, I’ve been taking a closer, or maybe, more serious look at kids and parents in Boulder City.

Call me crazy, but I think it’s a great idea to have kids and parents, and even grandparents for that matter, socializing together. Having a meal together. Partying together. Talking to each other without communication devices being used. Playing Scrabble or Monopoly or some other game that doesn’t need to be plugged in. Making a grocery list and planning a meal or two that includes everyone in the family. Taking a 30-minute walk.

I know from experience that getting a family together is one of those easier-said-than-done situations, but not spending time together could lead to situations that are much, much harder to handle. I also know that sitting down to dinner together is not a “cure all” for society’s ills.

There’s got to be something going on at that dinner table to make a difference in the life of the family. Are we talking to each other, or are we yelling, peppered with a few expletives we don’t want the kids to repeat? Is our opinion the only one that counts, or do we show respect for each other? Do we actually stop to listen to each other? You’re tired. You don’t want to listen to anyone. You’re in no mood to have a conversation much less take their words seriously. Pretty grim. Let the kids do what they want. It’s easier than dealing with the situation in front of us.

Sometimes, we need to talk to someone. Sometimes, we need to vent. We don’t have all the answers and being a parent never came with a fool-proof instruction book.

Currently, NCPC is funding the Parenting Project in Boulder City, Laughlin, Moapa Valley and Virgin Valley, but the registration in Boulder City has been nonexistent and a full range of classes has not been scheduled for our community. Last week, I met with Sarah Beers of the Parenting Project and we discussed, among other things, how we could modify the program a bit for Boulder City to attract parents.

Her idea was to schedule parents for a one-on-one session with a qualified Parenting Project instructor in a convenient Boulder City location. A parent could speak to the instructor for a 15-minute session and share his or her feelings. Sarah said a parent could even bring their youngster with them for a sit-down with a neutral party.

These one-on-one sessions will happen in March if there are parents who are interested in this service. All you have to do is call the Parenting Project at 702-455-5295 and make an appointment. You’ll be given all the details when you make that call.

If you are interested in any of the programs available in the Parenting Project, which includes BabyCare for expectant or new parents with children ages birth to 6 months; Nurturing Parents and Families for parents of children ages 6 months to 5 years old; ABCs of Parenting for parents of children ages 5 to 10 years old; ParenTeen Solutions for parents and youth 11 to 17 years old; and Blended Families for parents and stepparents with children of all ages, just call the Parenting Project at 702-455-5295 and see when the next class will be offered in Clark County. Remember, these classes are free.

So if you feel like you are at the end of your rope, situations at home are out-of-hand and you don’t know what to do next, give these one-on-one Parenting Project sessions a chance. Even if you think things aren’t so bad and they will eventually get better, take a step in a positive direction. Make that call. There are folks who want to help.

Rose Ann Miele is a journalist and was public information officer for Boulder City for nine years. She can be reached at roseannrab@hotmail.com or at 702-347-9924.

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