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Letters to the Editor

Missing automatic weapon is a serious matter

This is in reference to the article, “Investigation does not turn up rifle” published in the Oct. 17 edition of the Boulder City Review.

I take exception with the “laissez-faire” attitude depicted in the article by the law enforcement departments regarding a “missing” fully automatic weapon.

How long has the Boulder City Police Department been in existence? I find it extremely hard to accept that just now it has been determined that “policies and procedures (concerning weapons accountability) weren’t in place.”

You have got to be kidding. For years, even decades, accountability for weapons in the from of policies and procedures were not in existence? You learn that in Boy Scouts!

I am retired military (Army) and, outside of a combat zone in a combat situation, there would be no such thing as a “missing” weapon. With basic accountability procedures, it could not and would not happen. If it were, it would have involved an illegal activity.

It is so simple; when a weapon is issued, it is signed for in a weapon’s control log, and when it is returned, the weapons custodian acknowledges receipt by signature in the log and the weapon is secured.

Additionally, weapons should be inventoried on a regular basis at least every six months.

Finally, should a weapon go missing, the person who last signed for that weapon is, and should be accountable. It is his/her responsibility to ensure that accountability is properly transferred. Failure to do so is dereliction of duty and should not be “poohed-poohed.” That is a fully automatic long rifle, not a Nerf gun.

Local businessman explains opinion again

I would like to address Kiernan J. McManus’s rebuttals: for the last time. Apparently I wasn’t perfectly clear on the issues.

Boulder City residents’ tax money is paid to Clark County and then some of it is returned to the Redevelopment Agency. If we don’t apply for it, we lose it. It’s for the redevelopment and beautification of Boulder City.

To qualify, you first must own the property, then submit drawings and bids for the whole renovation program to the City Council, then it will review the information and award (or deny) funding for the project. This process could take as much as 90 days.

I purchased and closed on the property, then commenced the renovation in about seven days. The owner of the business side of the deal had already sold the equipment and had plans on removing it, the furniture and the alleys in only a matter of days. We agreed that he would stay on until we could find a new bowling alley operator for the business after the renovation was finished.

To have Boulder Bowl’s renovations completed in time for the Winter Leagues (a crucial component to profitability for the business owner), I immediately proceeded with the repairs as I didn’t have time to go through the process with the City Council for redevelopment funding. I did not apply for assistance as I was unable to fulfill the requirement.

Later, I was able to get a small portion of the funds from the Redevelopment Agency after the city advised me that more work was required. I purchased the building for nostalgic reasons, not for a business investment: I worked there setting pins in the 1950s and wanted to ensure that Boulder City continued to have a bowling alley, putting the cost of the project aside.

Boulder City residents were employed for all construction, and they all received well over minimum wage. The project was a big success thanks to the contractor, Jack Gaal; and we still have a bowling alley.

The intent of my original letter to the editor was to refute that an increase in minimum wage would allow people to live in dignity, not to justify my business decisions. Perhaps my message got confused, so I’ll try again: If a business cannot afford to pay its employees minimum wage, then either employees get terminated to allow others to receive minimum wage, or the business terminates because of lack of profitability. Neither option allows much “dignity.”

All employees of a business are not deemed minimum-wage employees; some are skilled workers who not only demand higher wages but are willingly paid higher wages. All of my employees make well above minimum wage, but in the beginning, I didn’t hire full-time workers. I hired them for the job and when it was finished they left. Every time I needed them, they came back to work.

Now the business has been successful for 30 years and they have been with me for 25 to 28 years. In the end, everyone is happy and I put a lot of food on a lot of tables, educated a lot of kids; and we’re not done yet.

I still stand by my statement: If a business owner can’t afford to pay the asking rate, minimum or otherwise, it’s best to lower the offer to pay less wages and keep the doors open and the employees employed or shut down the business. I may not be an “astute businessman,” but I’m most certainly a successful one.

Let’s keep Boulder City the way you found it when you came here: clean and green, the Oasis of the Desert.

The gift that keeps on giving

Isn’t this the time of year we want to show love to our fellow human beings?

Veteran caregivers hope for financial boost

Much has been spoken and written about in recent months about military and veteran caregivers, and the responsibilities they are charged with.

City’s enduring dedication to historic preservation

The true spirit of Christmas has always been more about giving than getting. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son … .” (John 3:16). Yet too many of us increasingly focus on the receiving side of that equation.

City’s enduring dedication to historic preservation

The Boulder City Historic District embodies the unique historic, architectural, and cultural heritage that defines our community. The area was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is comprised of more than 500 residential and commercial buildings from the city’s formative years (1931–1945), reflecting its construction and early operational phase of Hoover Dam. Recognizing the district as a valuable community asset, the city later created the Historic District, regulations and various resources to ensure the preservation and improvement of its historic buildings.

New St. Jude’s Ranch facility provides healing, hope

We all love Boulder City. It’s quaint, quiet, and we have the lowest crime rates in the state. Sex trafficking may feel like a “big city problem” to many residents in our community. But we are just 30 minutes from a city where thousands of people are victimized every year. According to Awaken Justice Nevada:

Destressing the holidays can start in your bathroom

“Tis the season to be jolly!” Indeed, but with elevated stress levels during the holidays, I sooner find myself saying “Calgon, take me away!” For those of you unfamiliar with this phrase, it’s from a 70s TV ad where a stressed-out woman is unraveling over “the traffic, the boss, the baby, the dog!” She rescues herself by losing her cares in the luxury of a Calgon bath. I mistakenly thought Calgon was a bubble bath, but it’s actually the trade name for complex salt, Sodium hexametaphosphate (NaPO3)6. Simply put, it’s a water softener.

It’s the greatest most amazing thing ever

“Don’t forget you are up for a column this week,” read the text on my phone Monday morning. It was a message from Review Editor Ron Eland and, oops, I had forgotten.


Thank you, BCR

New gun proposal may reduce suicides

Reducing veteran suicide remains a top priority for Congress, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the veteran community.