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Festival dam good solution to what ails you

Similar to the theory of trickle-down economics — which says that benefits for the wealthy will eventually “trickle down” to everyone else — the divisive spirit of November’s presidential election continues to linger and seems to have affected practically everything.

You can’t visit with a friend, read a newspaper, watch the television news or even go on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter without seeing political posts or hearing about protests of some type. From those who proclaim that President Donald Trump is “not my president” down to the residents who want to preserve Boulder City’s small-town charm by voicing their opposition to massive growth, protests of one sort or another have become de rigueur.

There is a great divide in our nation, our state and our cities. And quite frankly, I’m tired of it.

Regardless of what side of an issue you are on, those of us in Boulder City are fortunate enough to be able to take a break from all the hostility and go to the movies — literally.

Wednesday marks the official start of the 13th annual Dam Short Film Festival. It’s a four-day treat for the eyes, ears and soul, and a chance to attend an event that celebrates our diversity and our similarity. It’s a chance to escape from the realities of the world for a few minutes while enjoying a unique point of view.

Movies transcend boundaries of all sorts, including differences in political party, race, religion, nationality and language. For the most part, it doesn’t matter what your background is. If you see someone get a pie in the face, you laugh. If you see a tragic death, you cry.

The festival also is a prime example of events that will benefit Boulder City as the realities of the changes that will come with Interstate 11’s completion come to fruition. No one really knows what the effect of the bypass will be, but one thing is certain: Things will be different.

We definitely know there will be less traffic, especially from the semitrucks. Exactly how many of the passenger vehicles will also take the detour around the city is uncertain.

So we must prepare. We must do our part to make sure that those events and businesses that make our city so special and unique continue to thrive. Even if that means just taking an afternoon away from your daily routine to go to the movies.

The festival draws hundreds of filmmakers and fans from all corners of the world who come to see the funny, sad, touching, scary and inspirational movies.

Going to the historic Boulder Theatre itself is an wonderful experience. As you step into the beautifully restored and preserved art deco building, it’s like traveling back in time to the golden days of Hollywood.

You can’t help but to unwind and relax. It’s a modern-day elixir for whatever ails you.

Do yourself a favor next week. Whether you are a festival veteran or a novice, carve out an hour or two from your hectic schedule and take in a block or two of films. I guarantee you will be glad you did.

See you at the movies.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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