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Republicans look good in preprimary money primary

The candidate with the most money does not always win. But there’s no denying that money is a huge factor in races. So the first round of campaign finance reports always proves interesting. Let’s take a look:

Report brought winds of change on smoking

In 1962 at President John F. Kennedy’s direction, U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry assembled 10 leading scientists to review the existing science on smoking.

Fateful day takes away more than memories

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful day, that started with an early call and ended in a mournful way.

Forked-tongued politicians shred campaign promises

Folks, I will beat this dead horse till the cows come home: Do not take as gospel anything any politician says on the campaign trail. A couple of cases in point:

Legislature deserves credit for regulation

When 2013 began, just eight states barred employers from prying into the credit records of their workers. That is no longer the case. Although I don’t yet have a full list of those who have joined this elite group, it is growing steadily, and in states where there is no prohibition, local governments are also enacting ordinances. In Congress, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has introduced legislation to put an end to the practice nationally.

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Conquering box mountain not an easy climb

The late, great George Carlin did a fabulous comedy routine about stuff.

Silence hurts in war on tolerance

The Fox television network does not approve of the way Reno does things.

Obama’s twisted scheme hooks Americans on tobacco

Rick Geraci, commandant of the New Mexico Military Institute, recently put forward a bizarre argument for backing an Obama administration plan to raise the federal tax on cigarettes to fund a new universal preschool initiative: national security.

Centrist model gets scrutiny

Russ Nielsen, a great Nevada wire service reporter, once told me that if a journalist is being attacked by both sides, it’s a sign the journalist is doing the job right.

Hickey undermines efforts to elect conservatives

Nevada Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey, RINO-Reno, was a disaster as leader of his caucus in the 2013 legislative session primarily because of his hostility toward anything conservative, as well as his propensity to roll over and hope the Democrats would rub his widdle tummy every time a controversial bill or issue came up. When it comes to appeasement, this guy makes Neville Chamberlain look like a Mongolian general.

Alternate bypass route would save money, vistas

I was surprised by the absence of letters to the editor expressing concern or opposition to the proposed opening of sizable plots of city lands for economic development along the future Interstate 11 bypass of our city, such as at the junction of I-11 and U.S. Highway 95.

Being against now ranks as a political value

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic floor leader, last week got some attention for praising his colleague Rand Paul of Kentucky, a symbol of libertarian conservatism.

Tea party has been GOP’s savior, not albatross

The Republican Empire, led by Lord McConnell and Darth Boehner, isn’t taking primary challenges by tea party insurgents lying down, and an all-out intra-GOP war is breaking out.

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