The other night I was driving home and a song came on the radio that made me smile. It was “Come Monday” by Jimmy Buffett.
Do you know the most outrageous thing about Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s (R&R Partners) billion-dollar tax hike proposal?
In 1979, the Nevada Legislature made medical use of marijuana legal in the state. Although little remembered today, this law was on the books until 1987. It was repealed after nationwide hysteria over drugs generated by President Ronald Reagan, other poorly informed politicians, and irresponsible media. Bad journalism is basic to bad policies.
I’ve heard many variations on the idea that you shouldn’t complain unless you are willing to do something to create a solution.
Why do politicians who run on promises to “create jobs” then seemingly go out of their way to do everything humanly possible to hamstring the very people who actually create jobs?
Years ago, when my column was running in a weekly newspaper, a new editor was hired. She let me know that she wanted me to make some changes. As it happened, the Nevada Legislature was in session, and she said she wanted columns that dealt with north/south rivalry.
Stop. Before you read another word, look at the top of the page. There, in big, bold, blue letters you will see the word opinion.
The name of Douglas Elmendorf will not likely be immediately recognizable to every reader. He’s one of the people who make government work — a bureaucrat.
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t be surprised one iota if Jonathan Gruber himself hasn’t been hired to craft the propaganda campaign that’s underway to pass Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s (R&R Partners) 2015-17 budget.
I’m tired. I know we are already 15 days into the new year, but I don’t think I have fully recuperated from all the holiday festivities yet.
I take a bit of a contrary position from many conservatives about the meaning of this last election.
The Charlie Hedbo attack came the week before Martin Luther King Jr. Day and it’s not hard to imagine how Martin Luther King Jr. would have reacted. When incidents of violence happened, he grieved. What is not known to King’s countrymen is that there is an Islamic MLK.
Not too long ago, powerball fever hit the country. People were going crazy when the lottery prize topped several hundred million dollars.
At my request, conservative Republican Assembly Majority Leader Michele Fiore, R-Las Vegas, set up a meeting for me with her accountant so I could review and seek clarity on this whole brouhaha related to Internal Revenue Service tax liens filed against her business.
In December, we saw those lists published of the people we lost during the year. These are lists that, in journalism’s inimitable way, are nearly always incomplete because they are published before the year has ended.