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Chuck Muth

Hickey undermines efforts to elect conservatives

Nevada Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey, RINO-Reno, was a disaster as leader of his caucus in the 2013 legislative session primarily because of his hostility toward anything conservative, as well as his propensity to roll over and hope the Democrats would rub his widdle tummy every time a controversial bill or issue came up. When it comes to appeasement, this guy makes Neville Chamberlain look like a Mongolian general.

Tea party has been GOP’s savior, not albatross

The Republican Empire, led by Lord McConnell and Darth Boehner, isn’t taking primary challenges by tea party insurgents lying down, and an all-out intra-GOP war is breaking out.

Sandoval’s policies could come back to bite him

Most of Nevada’s beleaguered taxpayers focus on the fact that Gov. Brian Sandoval broke his word not to raise taxes by not once, but twice raising the “temporary” tax increases approved in 2009; taxes that were supposed to “sunset” in 2011. But the governor also is responsible for another tax hike coming to Nevada e-shoppers everywhere on New Year’s Day.

‘New Coke’ rivals health care rollout

When it comes to colossal product launch flops, you’d be hard pressed to top the epic failure of New Coke. People perfectly content with “the real thing” had no interest whatsoever in the product despite a massive marketing and public relations campaign.

‘Conservageddon’ insurgency continues to gather steam

Although it will again be impossible for the GOP to gain a Republican majority in the state Assembly next year, the developing conservative uprising in Nevada — what I’ve been referring to as “Conservageddon” — could result in a new (and desperately needed) conservative majority in the Republican Assembly caucus.

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Real story of Thanksgiving has good lessons

On this coming Thanksgiving holiday, I would be eternally grateful if our government-run education camps would teach the next generation of Americans the true story of Plymouth Rock rather than the romanticized fairy-tale version.

Neither mass deportations, nor mass citizenship

When it comes to fixing our nation’s illegal immigration problem, we face two serious problems: One is plugging the gaping holes on the enforcement side; the other is figuring out what to do with those who are already here in the U.S. illegally, many of whom have been our neighbors, friends and co-workers for many, many, years.

It’s time to abolish gun-free zones

Exactly how many more innocent, unarmed teachers and students need to be slaughtered on a school campus before people get angry enough to demand that the Nevada Legislature abolish these absolutely insane gun-free zones?

Wake up, America! It’s the spending, stupid

So when all was said and done, the government reopened, Democrats got the gold mine, Gumby Republicans got egg on their face, and conservatives got the shaft. The more things change …

Huge victory for school choice … but not in Nevada

A gaggle of school voucher-haters — led by the Arizona School Boards Association and the Arizona teachers union — filed a lawsuit challenging the Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Accounts program. Among other things, the voucher haters maintained that the voucher program violated the state’s constitution since the vouchers could be used in religious schools.

Government has no business setting wages for private business

President Barack Obama recently declared that “no one who works full time in America should have to live in poverty.” His proposed solution is to “give” 15 million American workers a raise by increasing the federal government’s minimum wage.

War on lemonade stands comes to Reno

Since tarring and feathering tax collectors and other government bureaucrats is no longer considered an appropriate form of shame and humiliation, the question arises as to what to do with the Reno apparatchik who recently issued a citation to a pair of kids operating an “illegal” lemonade stand.

GOP bloodletting well underway

It’s not just wishy-washy Gumby Republicans who need to beware this upcoming election cycle. Even Republicans with generally conservative voting records — but have otherwise been AWOL on the front lines of the battlefield — have political targets on their backs.

2013 Conservative of the Year awards

Every year around this time CitizenOutreach.org recognizes several outstanding Nevada conservatives for their efforts on behalf of the limited-government movement. This year’s distinguished recipients are:

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