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Use locks to secure your possessions

Locks come in many different sizes and types. I’m not talking about a waltz dance step. In the Panama Canal, boats are navigated through water locks. Missiles use a lock to a strike fixed targets. All of these examples serve as lock variations. I hear you; what in the heck do these things have to do with Boulder City? Now that I have your attention, walk with me; I’ll explain.

I’d like for you to think about a lock. A simple mechanical or electronic fastener used to protect or secure something. This essential key for understanding provides the functional purpose of a lock.

The first locks, such as door locks, are approximately 4,000 years old. So, even then, in the real good ole days, people were using locks. I hear it all the time about Boulder City circa 1950, 1960 and 1970.

“I’ve lived here for 50, 40, 30 years, I never lock my doors — that’s why I live here.”

Bob Dylan said it best: “The times, they are a-changin’.”

The reason I bring this up is because a dear night shift colleague mentioned checking businesses, homes and car doors while we’re all counting sheep. This week not only did he find several car doors and windows unsecured, he found two businesses had failed to lock their doors. One of the businesses had its cash register full of money. The other business had already been the victim of a burglary on a couple of previous occasions.

Why do thieves do it? We make it easy! Thievery is crime of opportunity; let’s not give these half-wits an open door. Lock your doors and windows at home, car and business, too.

Hold on, let me unlock the car door, hop in!

“Control, 269, we’ll be 10-8 (in-service).

May 4. A caller reports a tractor-trailer has overturned on U.S. Highway 95. There doesn’t appear to be any fuel leak, but the driver is pinned in the cab. We arrive, secure the scene and begin the traffic accident investigation. Thankfully, there were no injuries, just some traffic delays.

May 5. A male subject calls 911 and advises he’s drunk. Dispatch asks what the emergency is and the subject advises his wife left him. We advise him to call back in, but not on 911 line. The 911 line rings again. This time the intoxicated male advises his wife left and embezzled money from people. An officer heads over to the residence and places the subject under arrest for misuse of 911. Remember, 911 is for emergencies only.

May 6. A person calls to report two males and two females are stumbling around Wyoming Street and Avenue M. Officers arrive in the area and attempt to locate the subjects. Officers learn the subjects are intoxicated and lost. After some assistance with directions, the inebriated pedestrians wander home.

May 7. Officers contact a subject in the school zone acting suspicious. The walking traveler advises he’s on his way to Texas. He tells officers he believes something is eating his brain, but refuses any medical attention. He’s been walking from Oregon. An officer provides the subject a ride to the Hacienda after giving him a goody bag of snacks.

May 8. We get a call regarding a fire on California Avenue and New Mexico Street. Officers arrive and the entire front of the home is engulfed in flames. Boulder City Fire Department arrives and extinguishes the fire before any other homes are affected. The home appears to be a total loss. The homeowners were not hurt, but it’s still a tragedy. The fire is under investigation.

May 9. Officers spot a wanted subject at Frank Crowe Park. The female’s arrest warrant is for narcotics sales. When the officer attempts to take her into custody, she tries to hand a jacket to the male subject with her. The officer takes the jacket in her custody and finds methamphetamine and a pipe. The male is detained and some more methamphetamine and pipes are found in his possession. Dear mom, you’re not going to believe this, but I have to go see the judge now.

May 10. Officers respond to a rollover accident on the dry lake bed. Officers arrive to find a 26-year-old female with a compound fracture to her arm. Apparently, a quick turn on the Razor all-terrain vehicle caused the rollover. The subject was medically flown from the scene.

Remember, if you do not like the material things you worked hard to get, then make it easy for thieves to steal them; don’t lock your doors and windows. But if you cherish the good fortune you have, then please lock your doors and windows, too. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. See ya next week!

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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