Teenage drivers need to take responsibility
The music group sings “We don’t need no education.” First of all that’s wrong; but name that group if you can!
Knowledge is wisdom. Repetition of a good thing always lays a solid foundation.
Next week, our future embarks on a new venture. Jimmy Dean said “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” I hope we taught our children how to set those sails, because next week education begins. School’s in session!
The safety of our little ones is paramount. For our older ones who have a piece of plastic with their picture on it, tell them the privilege to operate a car comes with much responsibility.
Almost every school year, we hear about the tragic reality of a young teenage driver losing his or her life behind the wheel. Please talk to them about the consequences of driving, especially with friends in the car.
And for us — the adult drivers — as we see the smiling face of little ones scurrying across the street to hug parents, friends or get to class, remember, don’t rush. Drive 15 mph where designated, or you may have the grand opportunity to meet BC’s finest. Again, almost every year the news reports a tragedy involving cars and children crossing the street.
FYI, jaywalking across the street is not only dangerous, but illegal. A jaywalking citation will set you back a couple hundred bucks. Also, parents please do not monopolize the school parking spots by double or triple parking. This could also set you back $200.
We all want to get where we are going and we need everyone to arrive alive, so school’s in session. Don’t rush!
Are we ready? “Control, 269, we’re ready for the first call.”
Aug. 11
Shell Station clerks report a petit-larceny. Officers arrive to learn the driver of a blue Volvo and four passengers absconded from the store, taking almost $20 in merchandise without paying . The clerk could only get a partial vehicle plate since the thieves parked in the back of the store. Officers were not able to locate the suspect vehicle.
Aug. 12
Officers respond to the area of Starbucks regarding a male speaking bizarre phrases. Officers contacted the subject, who is a mental health consumer. The male agreed to move along without any further incident. I hope it wasn’t in the coffee!
Aug. 13
Officers responded to a residence off Elm Street in reference to a late night moving operation. Subjects were taking items out of the residence; they produced a hand-written note allegedly giving them permission to move items. However, the note appeared fictitious and the park manager requested the subjects trespassed. The truck was empty.
Aug. 14
Officers responded to the apartments on Darlene Way regarding a subject falling off the second story balcony. Apparently, neighbors on the second floor with adjoining balconies were in a tiff. One of them reached over toward the other one — not good. His reach fell short, and he fell off the balcony. The subject was transported to St. Rose Dominican Hospital.
Aug. 15
Officers are dispatched to the area of Red Mountain Drive after BC Utility Division requested assistance in checking to see if a resident has bypassed the Utility Department’s shut-off boot. The boot was in place and the call was settled at the scene.
Aug. 16
A subject was enjoying his evening at one of our local taverns. The bar patron apparently may have had one too many? Why? He fell off the bar stool. After being cleared by Boulder City Fire Department, the subject was picked up by his wife. I bet he’ll never hear the end of this one.
Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.