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Take steps to protect your home

We need to begin with a correction this week. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the use of airsoft/pellet guns. I mentioned it is OK to discharge airsoft/pellet guns in the privacy of ones backyard. However, a Boulder City ordinance misinterpretation occurred.

Boulder City Ordinance 7-1-3 states “No person … shall fire or discharge any firearms or air guns of any description within one thousand (1,000) yards of any building, street, sidewalk, alley, highway or other public place.” Boulder City Ordinance 7-1-16 states “No person shall throw or shoot any object, arrow, stone, snowball or other missile or projectile, by hand or by any other means at any other person or at, in or into any building, street, sidewalk, alley, highway or other public place, or property of another within the city.” So, I hope that clarifies it a bit.

As many of us know we have had an increment in home burglaries during the past couple of weeks. Boulder City Police Department has received numerous calls from residents with regard to establishing a neighborhood watch program and that’s great.

A neighborhood watch program is exactly that, a group of neighbors dedicated to crime and vandalism deterrence, setting up watch times, actively patrolling their area and calling in any suspicious activity. That’s all you need to do, but if you need some assistance in setting up a watch, give us a call. Please, remember if you see something suspicious, call it in, observe and report.

Here are a couple of more pointers. Make sure your home’s motion lights function properly, bushes are trimmed so that a criminal entrepreneur can’t hide; doors, windows and fences are locked and use a safety bar or pin; and let a trusted neighbor know if you’re heading out of town. These may not be a 100 percent prevention, but we must use all the proactive measures available to us.

Are you ready to ride? Let’s go push the black and white sled. “Control, 269, we’ll be 10-8.”

Jan. 5. A driver is heading out of town, over the hill. Not so fast, Lone Ranger. Officers contact the late night departing guest. A check of his driving privileges reveals he’s legit. However, I guess our fine visitor overlooked a few issues with Henderson Municipal Court. Good thing the fellow will be going home, via a few day’s stay in Henderson Detention Center.

Jan. 6. Officers are summoned to a home in the area of Fir Street regarding a family disturbance. After some investigation, officers determine the argument was not physical, only verbal. However, the male half of the argument was arrested for alcohol- and drug-related charges. Bet you that’s what they were arguing about.

Jan. 7. Officers respond to the area of Cherry Lynn Apartments regarding a couple couch surfing. Apparently a Good Samaritan allowed a despondent couple to spend a few days at their home. Two days turned into two weeks. Now the couple don’t want to leave. The homeowner was advised the couple’s temporary status turned into residency. Now, the homeowner will be heading over to Boulder City Justice Court to get an eviction notice.

Jan. 8. It’s chilly and it’s nighttime. A driver is stopped for possibly driving under the influence. Officers make contact with the driver, who satisfactorily performs the standardized field sobriety test and the driver heads homes. Lesson learned: It’s important to sleep; insomnia can produce similar outcomes as driving under the influence.

Jan. 9. ABC Park calls to report a theft. Someone got into the gym and stole $100. The officer completes the report and detectives are following up on leads.

Jan. 10. A Henderson resident attempts to leave Boulder City. The expeditious exit is halted by the red and blues. The subject is on probation and parole with an extensive list of prohibitions. The subject admits to being in jail for violating one of the probation conditions before. Tonight the subject has an unopened 18-pack of beer. Nevada Probation and Parole Department demands the subject be taken into custody. The subject violated the “no alcohol” condition. One 18-pack equals 18 months.

Jan. 11. What a beautiful day until late afternoon. A caller reports an in-progress home burglary near Boulder City Municipal Golf Course. As officers set up a perimeter, dispatch asks for any available unit to respond to a two-vehicle accident with injuries. The accident is on Truck Route and Business Route intersect. As officers begin to search the home, an officer arrives at one car blocking all southbound U.S. Highway 93 lanes, and one car all the way over on the northbound U.S. Highway 93. Officers thankfully clear the house; it was a false alarm. Boulder City Fire Department takes the injured, and officers finish the traffic investigation. What a way to end the weekend!

Hope all is well at the home front. The year is off to a good start, and I pray we all can have a safe January. Don’t forget to lock up. See you next week Boulder City and keep it real.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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