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Study: As temperatures rise, so do violent crimes

Muy caliente! Is there a relationship between increasing temperature and crime? A study conducted in Dallas, Texas, by the Environmental Protection Agency and Emory School of Medicine finds there appears to be somewhat of a correlation.

The investigation shows violent crimes increase with a temperature increase in the low to sensible temperature range. However, this increase in crime levels off when temperatures reach above 80 degrees. Additionally, the research shows a decrease in violent crimes once temperatures rise above 90 degrees. Keep in mind, this study only addressed violent crimes.

Researchers did explain this was only one study, in one city. I’m sure we can think of a laundry list of collateral connections to support or refute the study. As I was told in my college statistics class, a statistician’s numbers can achieve any goal.

As the temperatures heat up, please remember a few of things. First, stay hydrated; water is the key. Next, make sure any family members who may be physically limited stay in a well-ventilated and cool location. Can’t forget our furry little friends; they need plenty of water and shade, too. Also, make sure your vehicle’s tires are properly inflated and aren’t damaged or worn. The hot roads eat up tires.

On another note, believe it or not the school year is quickly coming to an end. However, planning for the 2014-2015 school year has already begun.

The Boulder City Police Department needs help. We are looking for school crossing guards. This honorable position provides an invaluable service; it keeps our children safe.

If you can commit to a couple of hours in the morning and a couple in the afternoon, you can definitely earn some hobby funds. If you’re interested, contact the Boulder City human resources office.

So, jump in, let’s get going.

“Control, 269, 10-8 ready to go!”

April 27. Property owner calls to report two subjects trespassing on the property. Both subjects are identified by the caller and are known to the Boulder City Police Department. Both subjects are admitted drug users. We arrive, but they must have dug an underground tunnel; they’re nowhere to be found. It’s just a matter of time; they’ll pop up sooner or later.

April 28. Coffee anyone? A coffee lover pulls into the Starbucks parking lot. In a hurry to get a caffeine concoction, the driver fails to see the other car. The new Lexus has a scratch — ouch!

An officer arrives and provides a private property accident form. Yes, the Boulder City Police Department does respond to all vehicle collisions.

April 29. A caller reports a black truck just crashed into his car and drove off. Officers locate the truck and contact the driver. Yes, Listerine has alcohol in it, but it doesn’t come in 12-ounce cans. Officers will have the drunk driver under arrest. My oh my! When will some people start thinking?

April 30. It’s 10 a.m. and a report of male subjects breaking into a house off Avenue A comes into dispatch. One of the males appears to be crawling through the window.

Officers are able to safely make contact with all subjects. A phone call to the homeowner confirms all the subjects at the house have permission to be there. Wow! Talk about a very delicate situation.

May 1. We get a call regarding a male who appears to be beating an elderly female. The caller reports the male pulled the female into a silver car. The car is driving down Pacifica Drive. Officers arrive in the area and spot the suspect vehicle. After contacting the driver and passenger, we learn a couple of things. First, the driver has a suspended driver’s license. Second, the female is younger than 25 and her driver’s license is suspended. Third, they both advise there was no beating; they were in the process of performing adult behavior. Lastly, we tow the car since no one had a valid license. You never know how our calls can turn out.

May 2. Be careful what you do; you never know who’s watching. Three occupants leave their trailer residence on their way to Henderson. Our officers stop the car because we know a wanted subject is in the vehicle. A passenger who’s on drug-related probation gets a fast pass back to Clark County Detention Center, courtesy of Nevada Parole and Probation. The rear passenger heads off to Henderson Detention Center on her warrants. The driver is given a paper towel to dry his forehead and released.

May 3. A resident on Keys Drive calls to report finding someone walking on the sidewalk, off Keys Drive. The caller/mother is concerned because there doesn’t appear to be any adults supervising this precious 2-year-old. When we arrive, the caller has the child. We begin knocking on doors and get on the public address system. Another area resident points us in the right direction. We find the child’s home and notify Child Protective Services. Thankfully the child is safe.

OK then, a great week. Hope everyone had a chance to attend the Spring Jamboree. If you head out to the lake, have fun, be safe, use a life jacket and if you’re consuming alcohol, do not drive the boat! Until next week.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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