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Save money, and your life, by not speeding

Who likes a sale? I bet every single one of us! Who wouldn’t like to get 25 to 50 percent off of stuff?

Don’t worry, I’m going somewhere with this.

Did you know, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “speeding is involved in approximately 31 percent of fatal motor vehicle crashes, costing society over $40 billion per year.” In Boulder City, the majority of our speed limits range from 25 mph to 55 mph, and 15 mph in the school zones. Let’s examine the speeding issue, while keeping in mind how much we love sales.

If you were heading to Lake Mead, the speed limit is 45 mph. Very few people drive 45 mph on the way to the lake. Motorists average 55 mph to 75 mph, and we have our 80 mph and faster daily. So, driving 10 mph over the legally permitted speed limit represents an increase of approximately 20 percent. Driving 65 mph on the way to Lake Mead corresponds to approximately a 45 percent increase. For the reckless operator who drives 75 mph, these gets close to a 70 percent increase. These same percentages for speeding can be used on any of our streets.

Hold on. Why do speeding drivers insist on paying more for stuff? Not really. But think, how do we justify these percentage increases? By no means am I suggesting we drive 30 percent slower than the posted speed limit. I’m just illustrating speeding as a percentage increase, so that we can have a perspective on how costly speeding could be.

Would you pay 20 to 50 percent more for something? So why drive 20 to 70 percent faster than permitted by law?

Our driving speed is something we have direct control over. Let’s be responsible and drive the speed limit. You will definitely save money by not speeding (i.e., tickets) and it could save your life.

“Control, 269. We are 10-8, ready to roll.” Yes! The speed radar and laser are working.

On July 28, a caller reports seeing a person at Bicentennial Park with a Geiger counter and he’s digging holes. Officer arrived to find the man using a metal detector in search of a lost treasure. No plutonium found or damage caused.

July 29, some days the calls we go on always have the same ending. There were a couple of domestic disturbances this night and several other calls. What was the interesting coincidence in these calls? At least one person in every encounter went to jail. Why? Because they had warrants. Take care of your speeding tickets.

On July 30, officers were dispatched to the bus stop on Utah Street regarding a sleeping prince. When officers sounded the good-morning alarm, the man jumped up and began spouting off sacrilegious epithets. Three sheets to the wind is not the best way to meet with police. A criminal history and the convenience store’s best vodka are always a recipe for government housing, with bars, and not the kind where vodka is sold.

On July 31, officers meet up with a subject walking on Elm Street. Unfortunately for the subject, he has an issue that Nevada Highway Patrol wants to speak to him about. After being arrested for the warrant and searched, the subject had a hypodermic needle in his pocket. Oh yes, he uses heroin, in the past though. The needle was only being held for a friend; sure it was. Three hots and a cot now.

On Aug. 1, officers are dispatched to a home on Mustang Drive regarding an evicted/trespassed subject milling around the foreclosed home. The subject stated he came by to see the home’s remodel. He had no purpose or reason to be there. Officers felt a trespass citation wasn’t enough. A several night stay at the Henderson Detention Center will do him some good.

Aug. 2, roommates living near Avenue L are arguing. The young lady alleges the male half-flattened her vehicle tires after the argument. Being very adamant of her accusation, she signs a citizen citation for damage to property against her roommate.

On Aug. 3, officers were dispatched to a local motel regarding, to what an onlooker describes as, a “cat fight.” The two intoxicated females’ amateur boxing exhibition would have made Muhammad Ali jealous. The decision? A few marks and a couple of bruised egos. Neither participant wanted to press charges against each other. Alcohol is never a good mix with elevated emotions.

Week 30 of 2013 was exciting. Can you believe it? In about three weeks our “chickens” are heading back to school. If they would have told me the movie of life went by this quick I would have requested for the slow-motion version. BC, it’s been real. See y’all next week.

Oh yeah, remember we all like to pay less for stuff, so drive the speed limit!

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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