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Police officers live to serve

Remember, Santa is making a list and checking it twice. As children, we learned valuable lessons. Many times we did not agree with our parents or other adults who corrected our behavior. But at the end of the day, I’m thankful for my parents, teachers and other adults insisting on schooling my decision-making process.

We never liked being scolded, even though we realized a decision to break the rules was wrong. Now, put on the goggles of a police officer. We are hired by the public to protect and serve. We protect by nobly attempting to maintain order, an order we’ve all come to expect when we go through that green traffic light, while the driver at the red light consents to remain stopped. We protect the highway from a driver who’s not paying full attention in his or her operation of a 3,000- to 5,000-pound missile, cruising 10, 15, 20 mph or faster than lawfully posted.

We serve, not so much like a waiter, but like an arbitrator. We are called to settle significant disputes between spouses, family, friends, businesses and the public at large. We proactively patrol in an effort to hopefully deter a criminal’s intent or catch the thief in the act. We stop and talk with all kinds of folks to be nosy. You see, nosy officers are some of the best officers. Police officers’ spectacles cannot be tinted to prevent investigation into suspicious activity. To the public, an open door may be just that, an open door. But to a police officer, an open door may be a burglary in progress.

I can’t think of any police officer being called upon to attend a birthday, anniversary, wedding or any party for celebratory participation. We show up to these festive occasions usually because of an unfortunate series of events. This is our profession!

Try to remember two important statements by Sir Robert Peel, the father of modern policing: “The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder, and the ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon the public approval of police actions.”

Are you ready? “Let’s go Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph; get ready. Control, 269, I’ll be 10-8, in-service; my caribou friends said they’re in yoga class warming up.”

Nov. 24. Milo’s Wine Bar calls to report the theft of a picture. Officers take the report of a $750 picture being stolen. The picture of a musician was taken out of the restroom this afternoon. Pretty brazen thief forgot someone is always watching.

Nov. 25. Night shift gets a call from Metropolitan Police Department in Las Vegas. Apparently, a distraught family member is coming out to the Veteran’s Cemetery to visit her deceased father. Family reports the young lady is depressed and suicidal. Officers were watchful, but the vehicle and female were not located.

Nov. 26. Officers are dispatched to the area of Avenue K in reference to a family disturbance. The brother who stayed home looked as if he’d been involved in a tussle. Surprisingly, the other brother was not home. The brother with nicks said he had recently slipped and fell causing the facial imperfections. The occupant refused to file a report.

Nov. 28. It smells great around town! However, no turkey, ham or pie for us; we have to stay awake and work. An officer almost gets T-boned near Del Sol Drive when a driver fails to stop at the stop sign. The officer gets a whiff of a spirit, and it’s not the heavenly kind. The driver admits to a glass or two in addition to a couple of pain medications. Unfortunately, this turkey dinner will not be the same. Please, be smart and do not drive under the influence any day!

Nov. 29. A victim comes to the Boulder City Police Department lobby in reference to her shed being burglarized. These pilferers’ unequivocal decision to remove this homeowners’ $600 stuffed animal collection proves thieves are morally bankrupt. The officer’s report already has a couple of possible admitted heroin-using suspects noted.

Nov. 30. Caller reports a male subject is lying naked near the Rail Road Museum track. Officers arrive and locate a male wearing sweat pants, no shirt, shaving and basking in the sun. The 007 impersonator accent was on cue. His list of high level underworld contacts was impressive. He finally admits to taking a bird bath in the nude while positioned in the dirt trench next to the tracks. The residentially challenged gentleman is cited for a disturbance and released.

Hope everyone survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We only have a few weeks left in 2013 so be on your best behavior. Santa is checking to see who’s naughty or nice, and I’d much rather have you spend the almost $200 minimum citation amount on gifts for a loved one and be home for Christmas than in a windowless government building.

Until next week, keep it real BC.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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