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Police Blotter for Sept. 5


Police received a report of a home burglary where a guitar and prescription drugs were taken.


A motorcycle rider injured at the dry lake bed was taken to St. Rose Siena Hospital with a head injury.


Police received a report of a car hitting a palm tree.


A man called police to report that his brother attacked him and his sister. He said drugs were possibly involved.


Police received a report of juveniles smashing TVs and microwaves at a park. They were contacted and told to clean up their trash.


A man called police to report that a woman on Red Mountain Drive had attacked him.


Police received a report of a man beating up his wife in front of their children.


Someone called police to report “a large animal” behind their sofa, which possibly came in through the doggie door. The field mouse was chased out by police.


Police received a report of two men attempting to break into a vehicle in an Avenue B alley.


Police received a report of a large turtle on Arizona Street between Utah Street and Avenue I.


Police received a report of a large woman panhandling at 7-Eleven.


Police received a report of someone shooting out a streetlight.


A small terrier died after it was attacked by a pit bull. The terrier’s owner, a 66-year-old woman in a wheelchair, was also bitten by the pit bull. The pit bull was taken to Boulder City Animal Shelter.


Police received a report of two dirt bike riders possibly trespassing at the city’s motocross track. Police discovered that the fencing at the track had been cut, but the riders denied using the track.


Police received a report of a dead cat in a roadway. The cat, which did not have a collar, was taken to the landfill by police for disposal.


Police received a report of someone walking their dog with no leash. The caller said the dog’s owner had another dog that killed a neighbor’s dog.


A woman called police to report her mother striking her in the face.


Police received a report of a 93-year-old man hallucinating and seeing Indians after taking new medication.


Police received a report of a mountain lion sighting.


Police received a report of the owner of a dog that had attacked other dogs threatening others in his neighborhood.


A woman was cited for driving under the influence, after she returned to pick her son up from Safekey 45 minutes after she had already picked him up.


Police received a report of two children under the age of two locked in a car. The caller was eventually able to open the door.


Police received a report of a two-vehicle accident involving a pizza delivery car.


Police received a report of a man and his dog being attacked by two pit bulls.


Police received a report from a parent who said 40-year-old male attempted to get their 15-year-old daughter to get in his red truck with him.

Sssnake season is here

Those walking in their yards, at the park or on a desert hike need to be aware that snake season has begun.

Colon cancer screenings crucial for adults

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and women and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seven in 10 adults in the U.S. aged 50-75 are up to date with colorectal cancer screening; however, in 2021, the CDC lowered the recommended age for colorectal cancer screening for adults to begin at age 45.

Get to know your thyroid, its function

Did you know that one in 20 people has some kind of thyroid disorder?

Winter brings threat of virus convergence

Our local temperatures may seem mild, but we are facing some colder days and with that comes a winter chill — and sneezing, coughing, sore throat and more.

‘Spoof’ call temporarily locksdown high school

Boulder City High School was placed on a brief lockdown this morning after Boulder City Police dispatch received a “spoofed” all at 9:09 a.m. from someone claiming to be a teacher supposedly hiding from a gunman in the school, according to a city official.