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Police Blotter

June 17, 1:32 a.m.

A woman called and said she was upset because someone had been ringing her doorbell for about 30 minutes, but she couldn’t see who it was because the person kept leaving.

June 17, 10:49 p.m.

A caller said there was screaming, yelling and items being thrown against the house outside. The caller said it was coming from a “tweaker” house.

June 18, 9:49 p.m.

A call came in about a 3-year-old boy jumping up and down on the floor causing a distraction for the downstairs neighbor.

June 19, 9:31 a.m.

A man was pulled over for driving 76 mph in a 55 mph zone. Boulder City police said the man had no insurance and his car smelled of marijuana. The driver admitted to smoking marijuana in Arizona and he showed police a pill bottle from his trunk that had marijuana in it.

June 20, 10:23 p.m.

A caller said the neighbors behind him were burning a bonfire and he was concerned. The man said he thinks his neighbors do drugs.

June 21, 11:12 a.m.

A man called police and said an 8-year-old boy came to his house and asked for a drink of water. The man said that the boy told him he went home but his mom was gone and the door was locked.

June 21, 5:19 p.m.

A man called police and told them his wallet had been stolen from the pool area. Police learned that a 12-year-old girl and an 8-year-old girl were the ones who stole it. The parents of the girls told police they wanted the girls to write an apology letter.

June 22, 4:20 p.m.

A woman called and said a palm tree fell from her neighbors’ house and landed on power lines on Cheyenne Court.

June 23, 5:01 a.m.

A caller said he would like to speak with a police officer about someone putting ketchup and lunch meat on his car.

June 23, 6:23 p.m.

A person said a 9-year-old boy hit an 11-year-old boy in the eye with a dustpan, police said. The caller said the two boys were brothers.

Sssnake season is here

Those walking in their yards, at the park or on a desert hike need to be aware that snake season has begun.

Colon cancer screenings crucial for adults

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and women and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seven in 10 adults in the U.S. aged 50-75 are up to date with colorectal cancer screening; however, in 2021, the CDC lowered the recommended age for colorectal cancer screening for adults to begin at age 45.

Get to know your thyroid, its function

Did you know that one in 20 people has some kind of thyroid disorder?

Winter brings threat of virus convergence

Our local temperatures may seem mild, but we are facing some colder days and with that comes a winter chill — and sneezing, coughing, sore throat and more.

‘Spoof’ call temporarily locksdown high school

Boulder City High School was placed on a brief lockdown this morning after Boulder City Police dispatch received a “spoofed” all at 9:09 a.m. from someone claiming to be a teacher supposedly hiding from a gunman in the school, according to a city official.