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Police blotter

Dec. 24, 5:03 a.m.

A man called police, said he was at work, and his wife was calling him saying there were large scorpions in the house. However, he said he was unsure if the scorpions existed, and he did not want police to respond to his house because his wife “hates police.”

Dec. 24, 5:06 p.m.

Police received a report of a 20-year-old male shooting a 12-year-old male with an airsoft gun. The boy’s parents were happy after the older male apologized and did not press charges.

Dec. 24, 8:16 p.m.

A passenger was warned for urinating on the side of U.S. Highway 93 in front of St. Jude’s Ranch for Children.

Dec. 25, 6:05 p.m.

Police received a report of a vehicle backing into an electrical pole in an Avenue A alley and fleeing the scene.

Dec. 25, 11:42 p.m.

Police issued a citation for driving under the influence to someone driving a motor scooter.

Dec. 26, 12:43 a.m.

Police arrested someone driving a vehicle that was stolen from Las Vegas.

Dec. 26, 6:12 p.m.

Police received a report of a chair in the roadway on U.S. Highway 95.

Dec. 26, 9:35 p.m.

A man called police for a civil standby while he had his girlfriend’s car towed because she parked her car in front of the garage door, blocking his truck.

Dec. 28, 8:07 a.m.

A woman reported two suspicious males with large, heavy backpacks near Boulder City Trailer Park, 1501 Nevada Highway. The caller said she said “good morning” to the men and they ran off.

Dec. 28, 1:35 p.m.

A woman called police to report a burglary during which a pair of earrings and a pocket watch were stolen.

Dec. 28, 1:53 p.m.

Police received a report of two juvenile males “pointing BB guns at everything” and holding rakes. The juveniles were warned by police about the guns, which were airsoft guns.

Dec. 29, 11:05 p.m.

Police received a report of a fire in the desert by Boulder City Landfill. The fire was caused by the owners of two lost dogs, who were burning bacon in an attempt to lure their dogs back.

Dec. 30, 4:51 p.m.

A male contacted police to report another male punched him three times while he was driving.

Dec. 30, 11:41 p.m.

Seven people were trespassed after they were caught trespassing at the Pirate’s Cove mansion.

Sssnake season is here

Those walking in their yards, at the park or on a desert hike need to be aware that snake season has begun.

Colon cancer screenings crucial for adults

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and women and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seven in 10 adults in the U.S. aged 50-75 are up to date with colorectal cancer screening; however, in 2021, the CDC lowered the recommended age for colorectal cancer screening for adults to begin at age 45.

Get to know your thyroid, its function

Did you know that one in 20 people has some kind of thyroid disorder?

Winter brings threat of virus convergence

Our local temperatures may seem mild, but we are facing some colder days and with that comes a winter chill — and sneezing, coughing, sore throat and more.

‘Spoof’ call temporarily locksdown high school

Boulder City High School was placed on a brief lockdown this morning after Boulder City Police dispatch received a “spoofed” all at 9:09 a.m. from someone claiming to be a teacher supposedly hiding from a gunman in the school, according to a city official.