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Public Safety

Animal control busy helping protect pets

Meow! Woof, woof. Fido, come here! Honey, stop calling me that. We all love our pets.

Take time to review home fire dangers

Most injuries and accidents around the home are just that: accidents. Sometimes it’s inevitable that the picture frame falls off the wall and hits your head, or you slip on the wet tile in your bathroom and fall down.

Watch over kids text messaging, using social media

Last week we gave thanks to our communication’s personnel. I’m sure we’ve all heard that communication is essential to success in many areas, especially in our line of work.

The Latest
Police Blotter

Aug. 20, 9:03 p.m.

Be on lookout for early signs of strokes

Living with a disability of any kind can be a struggle. Millions of Americans fight on a daily basis to keep up with their daily routines. Disabilities can come in many different forms ranging from small to large, both mental and physical.

Motorists should practice back-to-school safety

Summer break is officially over, and if you didn’t know, the streets will be busy with children enthusiastically making their way to school. As students are out buying new school clothes and supplies to last them through the school year, you as a parent and motorist should be aware of some back-to-school safety tips. By talking to your children, and taking a few extra precautions while driving we can keep our roads safe for our children and help maintain their well-being throughout the year.

Teenage drivers need to take responsibility

The music group sings “We don’t need no education.” First of all that’s wrong; but name that group if you can!

Use caution when driving in school zone

Can anyone say stop? Where does the time go? Summer vacation is coming to an end. We all know what happens next. School is around the corner. And with that in mind, let’s remember the safety of our children.

For better health, longer life, quit smoking

Smoking is dangerous, smoking is bad, and smoking is unhealthy. You have probably heard it your whole life — from the time you were a kid in school to every time you light one up on your smoke break; the looks, the sighs, the disbelief, you’re thinking this could never happen to me. Take a few minutes and review the facts, not the opinions or myths of smoking, but the stone cold hard facts.

Night out highlighted by softball, proposal

As expected, National Night Out at Veterans Memorial Park went off Tuesday with high-flying success. There was a great turn out of Boulder City residents that came out to support the police department in its awareness night. National Night Out is the police department’s annual event to promote and establish a partnership with the residents of Boulder City in fighting crime.