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Public Safety

Good habits reduce effects of chronic diseases

Chronic diseases, which include heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and chronic lung diseases, account for most deaths in the United States. They are also the major drivers of sickness, disability and health care costs in the nation.

Leave crime scenes untouched

We will explore the best things to do — and not to do — if you find yourself the victim of some basic types of crime.

Department can help with car license renewals

The Boulder City Department of Motor Vehicles is available for residents of the city or those working for local businesses by appointment each Wednesday at the police department’s records window. You can make your appointment by calling 702-293-9257.

Police Blotter

March 15, 8:13 a.m.

The Latest
Police Blotter

March 8, 12:45 p.m.

T-shirts often sport words of wisdom

When I first started as a dispatcher, one of my friends sent me a humorous T-shirt. Little did I know how appropriate it would end up to be. It read “911 is for emergencies – Save the Drama for Your Mama.”

There are plenty of ‘rights’ here

It appears that spring has sprung and the weather seems to rotate from too cold to too hot.

Police Blotter

March 1, 2:54 a.m.

Police Blotter

Feb. 23, 9:52 a.m.

Avoid being easy target for thieves

The past week has proven to be very profitable for burglars targeting vehicles in our fine town. The value of the items taken, in most cases, do not come close to the cost of the damage done.

Police Blotter

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