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Officers’ wishes: Help make city safer place

Welcome, 2014! We must not worry about the past, for today and tomorrow will already have its concerns. It’s not a matter of is the glass half full or half empty, it’s just being thankful for having a glass. 2014 is here; let’s have fun.

As the new year of crime fighting gets underway, we need to ask for your help. Let’s take a moment and look at Boulder City Police Department’s Top 10 requests for 2014.

1. Lead children by example. Remember, the finished product is only as good as what you put into it.

2. Make sure all of your vehicle’s paper work is up to date, current and in the glove box. It will help calm your nerves when we’re standing there waiting for you to hand it to us.

3. Cellphones while driving must be hands-free; holding it as a microphone doesn’t suffice.

4. Stop signs do not mean go. Nor do they mean creep with intent to crawl. They mean stop.

5. Speed limits are exactly that — limits — not starting points or popular ages.

6. If you get in an argument with your spouse or significant other, be the bigger person and walk away. Wrath has no wisdom and our bracelets are not a fashion statement.

7. Protect your identity, there’s only one of you. We’d like to deal with the real you, not a copycat.

8. We love Boulder City, too. If you live here, then you know the rules. Please don’t use it as an excuse.

9. Drive sober! Driving and drinking responsibly is an oxymoron.

10. Lock your doors and cars, too. We don’t want to see your possessions on a reality TV show.

Let’s get rolling and have a great year! “Control, 269, will be in-service; first call please.”

Dec. 22. Two of our known addiction specialists were called in after they resorted to a dine-and-dash. We located them near the homes next to Boulder Boats. Unfortunately, the subjects hope Santa can drop their gifts off at Henderson Detention Center.

Dec. 24. A local business employee is stopped for suspicion of driving while intoxicated. The female performed the field sobriety test unsuccessfully. Why? She repeatedly told officers, “I didn’t do well because I have small feet.” I guess it wasn’t because of the eggnog. ’Twas the night before Christmas — you know the ending.

Dec. 25. Officers make contact with a subject near Aztec Place. A check reveals the subject has an outstanding Henderson warrant. A search of the subject discovers she is in possession of methamphetamine. She is emphatic the meth is not hers; she swears she purchased the drugs as a Christmas gift for her boyfriend. I wonder what store carries that.

Dec. 26. The post-Christmas blues are here. Dispatch receives calls regarding a domestic incident. The caller reports seeing a male punch a female in the area of Del Prado. The male then goes in a house. Officers arrive and can see the shiner on her left cheek. After a couple of minutes of verbal judo by the officers, the male opens the front door. The subject is taken into custody for his second domestic battery.

Dec. 27. A property owner calls to report having a subject trespassing on the property off Avenue A. The officers make contact with that subject and her boyfriend. Interestingly, these two subjects were reported earlier in the day for being at another location that they were trespassed from. Both subjects’ affection for narcotics was discovered once the syringes were found in their possession. The Henderson Detention Center has two new guests.

Dec. 28. I think Santa really liked delivering pellet guns and airsoft guns to the kiddies this year. Boulder City Police Department officers respond to calls all day long regarding kids walking around with handguns and rifles, making residents concerned since the guns look real. Officers contact the kids and provide them with valuable advice. Please remind anyone who owns one of these pellet, BB or airsoft guns to use them in the comfort of their backyards.

Well, we wrapped up 2013. I hope to have you back riding along in 2014. Happy new year Boulder City! “Control, 269 will be 10-7 till next week.” Be safe.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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