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Officers appreciate ever-vigilant residents

The media and news stories present real life in the bleakest of moments. Tragedy, despair, hateful ignorance or intolerance, you pick. I couldn’t help it; I wonder where did accountability, respect and following the rules go?

As I hear developing news stories, I thank God for Boulder City. Boulder City’s uniqueness has stood the test of time. Its residents have maintained a sense of community, envious of none. While we don’t live in a bubble, the men and women of the Boulder City Police Department have continued to effectively and efficiently serve its community.

We can’t take all the credit; we owe some of our success to you. Responsible residents act as our eyes and ears when we can’t be there. Crime knows no sleep; we don’t either and neither do some of our residents.

As we begin our fall stretch, I wanted to remind everyone that anxiety begins to increase at this time of year, so take it easy.

As the holiday season fast approaches please drive responsibly! If you imbibe those spirits, get someone else to drive.

Are you ready? “Control, 269, we are in-service.”

Sept. 21. The eye in the sky sees everything. Metropolitan Police Department’s helicopter was following a car stolen from College Drive and U.S. Highway 95/93. Boulder City units were on standby. The stolen vehicle turned off before getting to Boulder City. The thieves must have known not to come into our town.

Sept. 22. As you walk around Boulder City, make sure you conduct yourself accordingly. An officer stops a bozo acting like a fool. After checking out the admitted drug user, the officer discovers a judge wants to have a chat with him. You would think the last thing you’d want to do is call attention to yourself, especially if you have a warrant.

Sept. 24. The car speeding into town in the early morning is always easy to spot. An officer makes contact with the speeding driver and learns he is a convicted felon. Rule No. 1, if you’re felon, don’t carry a gun. Needless to say, we’ll see Mr. Felon in a couple of years.

Sept. 25. Officers get dispatched to the area of Capri Drive regarding a nonresponsive subject. Officers discover the terminally ill resident took her life. Calls of this nature are truly devastating for all parties involved.

Sept. 26. Rain, rain go away. We received calls regarding a large truck driving recklessly causing a wake zone on Boulder City streets. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Remember to drive safe. It’s a privilege, not a right.

Sept. 27. An officer makes contact with a subject near Elm Street. A check of the subject reveals he’s wanted for felony drug possession. After searching the subject, the officer finds packages of ham and cheese in his pocket. The subject advises he just purchased it at the 99 cent store. The officer investigates the stores video and the subject can be seen stealing the groceries. Add two counts of theft plus the felony drug warrant.

Knock knock. “Sorry to wake you, I know it’s 2 a.m., but while patrolling the neighborhood we noticed your garage is opened (or your car door is ajar).” Every day and night we find homes or cars with easy access for thieves. An opening provides opportunity. Deterrence and prevention diminish prospecting.

Have a wonderful week Boulder City.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 11-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously was an officer in south Florida for four years.

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