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No officer pay incentives in arrest or ticket numbers

Now serving customer No. 1, you! The cruise control is set and the summer fun has begun.

I hear all the time during enforcement activities, “You guys have quotas” or “I didn’t do it.” These accusations, by law violators are illogical rationalizations to justify their choice to break the law.

The United States justice system basically has three components of the three C’s — cops, courts and corrections.

Cops enforce the laws, created by the legislature, a body we all elect. Cops don’t make laws. And we impartially apply these laws to violators. There are no perks or bonuses in it for officers. If there was, then a lot more than 1 percent of the population would regularly enjoy our company.

Courts interpret laws. They are the impartial triers of fact. We applaud a court’s “guilty” or “not guilty” outcome. Sometimes, we condemn them for these same decisions. And the jury, a peer group, is thanked and excused by the court.

Corrections are, in a large part, a result of the prior’s work. If someone arrives here, it implies incarceration. Punitive damages alone will not rectify the infraction committed.

Our justice system isn’t perfect. I feel we definitely have the best in the world.

“Control, 269, we’ll be 10-8 and en route to that call.”

On July 7, officers are dispatched to the area of B-Hill regarding a burglary. The homeowner had been away to New Mexico, not the street but the state. Upon returning home, he discovered someone had entered the home, stolen electronic items and damaged the interior. Boulder City police crime scene processed the scene and the case is under investigation.

July 8, officers respond to the Nevada Inn regarding an intoxicated middle-age male wanting to file a harassment report. Apparently, the male’s ex-girlfriend is now dating a very young adult. The harassment was no harassment, just a bruised ego.

On July 9, an officer stops one of our troubled juveniles. The young lady has been couch-hopping from home to home, unloading stolen property. Child protective services was contacted and she was transported to juvenile hall.

July 10, officers respond to Tom’s Boulder Inn for a report of suspicious activity. They locate a juvenile female and a young man hiding in the laundry room. The young lady was returned to the caretaker and the male was trespassed from the location. It’s truly sad to see the damage drug use causes.

On July 11, a traffic stop is conducted on U.S. Highway 95 near the dry lake. The officer’s K-9 partner can smell the methamphetamine from outside the car. The vehicle’s three occupants now have weekend accommodations compliments of taxpayers.

July 12, officers respond to the Boulder City Hospital regarding a patient threatening to kill the doctor. Officers locate the subject walking on Adams Boulevard. The subject is a mental health consumer and, because of the severity of the threats, the subject was taken into custody.

On July 13, officers respond to a local motel regarding an alleged drug sale. Officers locate three occupants in the room, but no drugs. However, the occupants admit to having used methamphetamine in the last 36 hours. An officer reads the subjects the riot act. I think they’ll be moving to another town very soon.

July 14 traffic was crazy. Speeders and cellphone violators were out of control. That is until they saw the red and blue lights behind them. It was hot getting in and out of the car. I think out-of-state drivers must not see the speed limit signs. I don’t know of any small town road with a 70 mph limit, either. Now these drivers have a Boulder City souvenir to take home with them.

Slow down; you move too fast. It’s already the middle of the year. Where does time go? Please be safe and stay hydrated.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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