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Job title describes small part of officers’ duties

The name of an occupation truly provides a minimalist measurement for that vocation. The title of police officer most likely offers the public a small fishbowl perspective of our profession. Although cop shows and Hollywood deliver an embellished surreal observation of what we do, it doesn’t even truly begin to reveal the gravity of the collateral responsibilities we undertake.

A police officer is the one called when a home is invaded by burglars. Police are expected to find these criminals from a single latent print. Trust me; we will try. We are the ones running toward the gunshots being fired. We were the first responders to the twin towers on 9/11. We are the ones that settle arguments through reasonable words or by metal bracelets. We try to keep the streets safe 24 hours a day. We investigate a simple parking lot fender-bender or a jagged hunk of metal surrounding a deceased driver or occupant. We counsel neighbors and loved ones, too.

Our job provides us the benefit to lead, teach and reshape behavior. No matter what color, creed, national origin or sexual preference, we will do our best to keep everyone safe. You see, our job is to impartially serve and protect all people in this great country. To us it makes no difference who you are, even if you bad mouth, curse or second-guess us, we will always be there to serve you.

The best part of our job is the fact that we get to do it right here in Boulder City.

“Control, 269, I’ll be 10-8 in-service.”

April 20. It’s Easter morning! The officer sees something at Del Prado Park, but it’s after park hours. It’s too early for the bunny. It’s a man proudly standing near the slide. As the officer approaches, he realizes a woman is also there. I’m guessing they thought only an airplane could see them, not an officer; they learn these play pastimes should not be performed outside. Both adults will be explaining their story to the judge.

April 21. Shhh. Can you here that? Me either. Thank goodness Boulder City Police Department’s finest are out and about. Officers had the time to check store doors and prowl for thieves. A few contacts here and there, but all is safe. Hope everyone had a good night’s sleep; we kept things quiet for you.

April 22. As they drive into our Norman Rockwell town, these speeders think it’s the Autobahn in Germany. The officer approaches the driver, who was 20 mph over the speed limit, and gets a whiff of Colorado. No, it wasn’t the mile high mountain air. Although Mary Jane may be legal for recreational use in a couple of states, it’s not in Nevada. The driver now has an IOU for Boulder City. Guess the driver’s judgment was clouded about what state that person was in.

April 23. U.S. Park Service officers at Lake Mead need our assistance at times. They had an issue down at Lake Mead. They took a subject to Boulder City Hospital. The subject at the hospital causes a problem. Boulder City officers arrive and quash the issues with the problem patient. It’s not easy dealing with drunks.

April 24. An officer pulls over a driver for suspicion of driving under the influence. After a few standardized field sobriety tests, the officer learns she shouldn’t be driving. The officer conducts a search incident to arrest, finds nothing, but the driver admits to having some methamphetamine. It’s nowhere to be found; she advises the officer the narcotics are stored just under her belt line, on her back side. Recapturing these hidden narcotics will have to wait until she gets to Henderson Detention Center.

April 25. The narcotics detectives are out in the area of Fir Street. They knock on a door looking for a subject wanted on a felony drug warrant. As the wife invites the officers in, they see a whole mess of narcotics and paraphernalia. The wanted subject shows up and both individuals are taken into custody on narcotics-related charges. In the end, illegal drug entrepreneurship never really works.

April 26. Officers are on patrol in the area off Elm Street. As they drive near a home, a subject spots the police car. Without hesitation and not missing a beat, he completes a 180-degree pirouette better than an Olympic performer. Officers make contact with the subject, who is clucking like a chicken. As he runs in place and stretches in front of the police car, making facial jesters only a clown could achieve, he claims he’s just rocking to the music in his head. Sometimes all we can do is nod our heads.

“911, the address of your emergency? OK, we’ll have an officer en route.” The members of the Boulder City Police Department are here to serve and keep this community safe. We’ll help, no matter who you are. Hope everyone had a great week. See you next week.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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