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GPS device not always right on speed limit

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Hope all is well, as the kids — my partner calls them chickens — complete the school year. The summer fun is about to begin. This week I’d like to write about traveling our great roadways and a parking issue.

I had the accidental fortune of meeting several speeders this week. The excuses ranged from, “I was going with the flow of traffic,” “I need to catch a flight” or “I was distracted by the beauty of Lake Mead.” The one similarity in all these traffic encounters was the motoring public informed me they were obeying technology. While the advent of TVs, microwaves and computers have simplified our life, sometimes cellphones and GPS devices have complicated things.

The drivers of these expeditious vehicles all said they were following their GPS device and it was telling them the correct speed limit. GPSs are great, but they’re not fail safe. Unless the device is updated frequently, it may display incorrect information. So, please pay attention to speed limit signs. I promise it will save you from meeting one of us, and leaving us with one more receipt — if we can call it that — than you started with.

Next on the discussion list is handicapped parking. First, if you have a handicapped placard, display it correctly: Hang it on the rearview mirror. Second, if the person who the handicapped placard is issued to is not in the car, then don’t park in the handicapped designated spot.

Also, if the handicapped parking designated spot says “vans accessible,” then that’s what it means. These spots are for vans with side loading ramps that need the space. If you park a car with a handicapped placard in this space, you can still receive a citation for violating the statue. If you have any questions, query Nevada Law Library on a computer and look up Nevada Revised Statue 484B.467: “Parking space designated for persons who are handicapped.”

If any of you have a family member or friend who is handicapped, you’ll understand how important it is to respect these parking spots. Even if you’re able bodied and are just running in for a second to drop something off or pick something up, park legally.

Time to roll! “Control, 269, we’re ready.” Almost forgot, no water balloons during the Fourth of July parade this year.

On May 26, cutting the corner was not a good idea. Officers stopped a subject who drove a moped through the parking lot to avoid the red light. The moped’s driver has a suspended license. Additionally, the subject had Boulder City warrants. Lesson No. 2, don’t cut corners. Lesson No. 1, obey the law and pay your tickets.

May 27, officers get dispatched to St. Jude’s Ranch regarding two juveniles that are being reported as runaways. Officers take a runaway report and enter the missing juveniles into the national Crime Information Center Missing Children Database. Thankfully, they are located in Las Vegas by Las Vegas police the following day.

On May 28, officers are dispatched to a local motel regarding damage to property. Apparently, a motel ex-employee became enraged upon being fired and punched a few walls in the room he occupied. The pink-slipped employee is now trespassed, and the repair bill may be expensive.

May 29, officers were dispatched to the Boulder City Hospital regarding a disruptive, intoxicated male. Apparently, officers had dealt with the subject on two early occasions this evening. Three strikes and you’re out was the call. This third time provided the male the needed evaluation by the Henderson City Jail staff.

On May 30, the fire department called for assistance regarding a belligerent intoxicated male near Capri Drive. The drunk didn’t listen to friends, so, he jumped off the second-story balcony and landed on his head. Paramedics were finally able to transport the injured subject to the hospital. Alcohol overconsumption equals poor decision-making.

May 31, officers light up a vehicle for speeding near Elm Street. The suspect vehicle attempts a couple of quick turns to evade the red and blues lights. No way buddy; he finally stopped near Fir Street. Officers learn the driver and passenger have arrest warrants. An inevitable outcome for these two gentlemen.

June 1 is a beautiful day, but a sad afternoon. Officers respond to U.S. Highway 95 at mile marker 48 regarding a two-vehicle rollover. Officers arrive to find all of the vehicle’s occupants are walking around, except one. The driver of the second vehicle is pinned between the vehicle’s roof and the earth, partially hanging out the driver’s window, held by the seat belt. The young man is unconscious with a severe head injury. Boulder City Fire Department arrives and uses the Jaws of Life to remove the vehicle’s roof. The subject is flighted to the only level one trauma center in the Nevada, University Medical Center in Las Vegas.

Well, it’s been one heck of a week. Please be safe with all of your family and those school graduates this summer. Until next week, keep being Boulder!

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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